MovieChat Forums > Ozzy & Drix (2002) Discussion > fave character of Ozzy and Drix

fave character of Ozzy and Drix

Who has a fave character from Ozzy and Drix? Apart from Thrax from the movie. My fav O and D character has to be The Mole. I think he's stupid funny. Do you know what i mean?
Who's your fav?



I just started watching it today (I'm sick because of my idiot friend. Ozzy and Drix, come help me instead of Hector lol.)but Ozzy's my favorite. Because he's cool, he rocks like me and he's not afraid of anyone. My friend Bill, however is more like Drix in that he is very proper, hates heavy metal, and tries to find a less confrontational answer for everything.

"The Hammer Has Fallen, A Thorn In Your Side"-HammerFall


my fave is dander! hes SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!! (i luv puppis)!!!!:)




I like General Malaise and Mayor Spryman.


I like Spryman... But for reasons I'll never tell...


Ozzy, Dander, Metabollica, General Malaise, The Mole, (he's hilarious) Maria, (That's what I call girl power! She can kick butt!)

I do also love how Mayor Spryman is always mean to Ozzy but Ozzy gets a small yet satisfying revenge in the end. (Like whenhe puts Sylvian Fisher's growth formula in the Mayor's hat. That was funny)

The Mole has those funny sayings that I love like, "The duck claps in the dark" "Though the opera is off key" and also "The gall bladder cannot process elderberries." "When its trousers are filled with cheese"


General Malaise is by far my favorite because of the hilarious mock-up on the French that he represents. I must admit, Drix's girly scream is a favorite of mine too, raising him to second place.



I've always liked Maria. As mentioned above, she can open up several 6-packs of whup-ass when needed. I also like the NY/East coast accent, whenever I hear a lady with that accent nowadays, or hear "Amino", I think of her.


General Malaise he was so cute XDD
I was glad he got to be in the series two times
What are you gonna do, bleed on me?~King Arthur(Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
