Maybe they need Scrappy...

I mean theres only so far they can go with the four kids and a dog vs. fake monster premise. Maybe they should do a revamped less annoying version of Scrappy to stir things up a bit. Or they could re-introduce Scooby Dum. Something to make the show watchable again.


Ugh. If Scrappy or Scooby-Dum were put in this then it wouldn't be watchable. Period.


Its called VARIETY. Theres only so many times the same group of people do the same thing til its way too predictable. I'm not saying Scrap or Dum should be perminant characters but it would shake up the routine a bit if they had recurring appearences.


The entirety of humanity has agreed that Scrappy Doo is the worst character to have ever have been conceived.


What is Scrappy Doo's purpose in life, anyway?


No one may have liked Scrappy for years now but if it was the case, why were there so many episodes with him for years if he never worked or people hated him so badly. Bare in mind it was only AFTER the 80s was there anything as "I Hate Scrappy Doo", hell they didnt even start calling the "gang" Mystery Inc. til Cartoon Network kept referring to them as such. Don't let revisionist history cloud judgement.

This really isnt in defense of Scrappy but hell, maybe if they wrote him or Scooby Dum better people might actually like em. The new series is stale because all it is, is an updatd retread of the "Where are You" series which even in itself grew tired after the first round of episodes.


Indeed. I love Scrappy. He was willing to stand up to anyone, any size. He wasn't scared of anything. I get that Shaggy and Scooby are adorable, but getting scared all the time is annoying. Kind of like every new series, acting the same way with all the "monsters", when they all turn out to be human. And I mean every character. But if you want to hate him and love the other two, go ahead and run away.


Oh, I don't find Shaggy "adorable".
Both his cowardice and his obsession with food can be very annoying.
And I believe that Shaggy was a bad influence on Scooby; he learned both cowardice and food obsession from his "master".

I'm also PO'd that Shaggy gets all the funny dialogue, with Scooby only saying, "Yeah!" or "Me, too!"


According to a clip I saw on a newer Scooby DVD, (the interview featurette on "Aloha Scooby-Doo," the gang is now TOTALLY AFRAID of Scrappy-Doo! How dumb is that?!


Very. I'm so tired of all those little "interviews" and stuff on DVDs and other stuff, with the characters always making fun of themselves, or the show, or HB themselves.


Scrappy? Hell no!

What are YOU looking at?


Sorry Hero4Hire, I didn't like Scrappy when I was a kid in the '80s and his episodes were new. I did, however, like Scooby-Dum and DynoMutt. Since neither of these characters had too much exposure on SD (and I haven't seen DynoMutt's show since the mid-80s), I dunno how I'd feel about them today... but I find Scrappy even more obnoxious now than I did then.

True, there's "only so far they can go" with the storylines -- but they were retreading the same storylines way back in 1971. The few shows where they strayed from the formula (most notably my favorite -- despite Scrappy -- "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo") are often regarded with incredibly low respect.

One of the problems that has plagued the shows since the beginning is that the gang seems to be friends with a gazillion people -- but only the aforementioned characters, Don Knotts, The Harlem Globetrotters Josie and the Pussycats and, most recently, Avalanche Anderson have returned for additional appearances (not counting "13"'s Vincent Van Ghoul and Flim-Flam). The idea of bringing in additional recurring characters isn't a bad one at all, but Scrappy's certainly not the way to go.


I still dont see the problem with Scrappy, he kind of served as a counter foil to Scooby and Shaggy. Scooby Dum was a better character, the Scooby revisionist history against Scrappy is the hugest form of a "hive mind" I've ever witnessed. I mean he's an animated puppy character, not the antichrist or any other negative insult so-called fans call him. He also certainly didnt ruin the show (100+episodes can prove that) nor did he ruin anyone's childhood as so many alleged fans have protested.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."



Hero, I think people are only using hyperboles when they say things like 'Scrappy is evil', 'He is the Yoko of the Scooby-Doo series' and that he 'ruined childhoods'. But I agree that if not evil, the character was pretty obnoxious and as gera said, the main reason half of the haters hate him is because three members of the 'canonical five'(even though Daphne came back later) were dumped from the show in order to have more screen-time for Scrappy. I'd like to see Dum again though.


