worst movie ive ever seen

This movie should be renamed 'dude, wheres my two hours'. It blows.

If I ever have to see that doofus FOB boggle his head one more time, im going to kill myself.

There were at least ten thousand 'dream sequences' where the lead kept imagining his future wife, all while boggling his head. The stupid grin on his face as the room spins around, flashing images of his wife dressed up over and over. F@#%.

never. ever. see this movie. for the love of Vishnu.






A lot of the film is poking fun of Indian (specifically Bombay) cinematic conventions (dream sequences, music & dance, lots of relationships/romance).

Go watch "Monsoon Wedding" (a much better film, though I still consider this one quite good) and it will make a lot more sense.


this pile of sh it had me turning it off after about 20 minutes

me and my mates got it out as one of those 'lets hire this bad movie out and laugh at it' type scenario's but it isn't even good for that.

this movie really does suck and i agree with all of you


I was so glad Hari was able to find the party, I actually shed a tear. It was a truly enriching experience.

My favourite movie of the year, if not all time!


As somebody of Indian descent I can say there has never been a movie that I have seen that has made me want punch a holy man more. And I am not even saying that in some, I'm-against-stereotypical-portrayls-of-Indians...if it was funny, I'd actually like it. I think my left nut could've wrote and directed a better movie and my right nut coulda starred in it.

I would say all the actors are all douchebags, although that is probably an insult to douchebagary in all its forms.

This is worst film I have ever seen, I've seen softcore porn with better writing, directing and intellectual thought.


Dude, where's my money? Oh yah, I didn't pay to see it, my friend got a screener and made me watch it. Even though I know Sunil Tacky doesn't know the difference between comedy(example his lame excuse for a radio show) from the 2 *beep* on his face he calls nostrils. When they were in post editing, did they REALLY look at one another and say this is good?!?! This terrible 2 minute sketch that went on for 2 hours is an embarassment to Indians and the filmstrip it was shot on.


this movie did suck seriously bad, kal penn is awesome, but this movie was so not what i expected it to be, it was horrible, the only good thing about it was the toyota supra, but i dont think it was even a turbo


I quite liked it, but it could have been much better, it had its bad moments as nearly all films do, but some of it was good, I absolutely cracked up laughing so hard when Mo was sitting by himself and said "I see Indian people." Classic, nothing could top that line through out the whole film.

"Oh, right.I see.I get it.You were lampooning me.It was a simple lampoon." Mark Corrigan(Peep Show)
