A New Adventure on Sucking

Am I the only one who found this movie offensive? I thought it would be a clever jab at cultural stereotypes, but it just flat out tries to prove them true. ALL the white people were county club members who lived in huge houses, and ALL the black people listened to loud hip-hop music and the like.

I'm not saying it had to be deep, but the writing was really lacking and the entire thing seemed offensive and wrong to me. And it's so sad for three great actors such as these.


You got me straight trippin boo.


What the dillio, y'all?



wow, ive actually found someone dumber than president bush! You pathetic moron, there was nothing funny about the scene where steve martin entered the club - you racist bastard! Its people like you who support racially un-progressive cinema then turn around to friends and family saying how your not a racists and what not, about how you are smart and informed and educated and ready to fight the good fight for tolerance. Lies, if your stupid ass could only grasp the subtextual racist undertones of this film, you would certainly change your stance on how funny it was. Do yourself a favor, go check out a clan meeting or grab some of your friends and stomp the first "negro" you can find, cause supporting this movie is really no different.
