Joan Plowright is a riot

I agree with everyone saying this movie is a degree. Wasn't that the funniest scene ever when Joan Plowright started singing the negro spiritual??? Or when she was getting stoned and said, 'later homies.' Racist it may be, that was some good sh*t. And Steve Martin is not a complete Baffoon...I'm sure he read the script...I don't think he's all about the money, playa' hatas..

"Is massa gonna sell us tommorrow?"



Yes, Joan Plowright was hysterical in this was nice to see an actress of her stature lighten up and not take herself too seriously for a change.


"Oh, to hell with it. I do believe I'm...stoned."

If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on my cat



I love her!

Where Brooklyn at, where Brooklyn at!
