Let me get this straight

So Widow was disguised as charlene and wore her clothes and left them at the bank along with her money and some other stuff to frame her?How did he get away with that?I mean he can't be the same height and weight as she was.That's very weird.I just don't get that part.He wore a mask so what?



well they do! JK That is a big plothole to me it seems that they would realize that and try to have it make more sense.




Many people think that? No, many ignorant people SAY that and other stupid $#!+
just to entertain themselves because they have nothing better in their lives. All black people don't look alike any more than ALL white people look alike (and yes, I've heard that one too!).



i know, i thought that too.....its ridiculous because aside from the fact that he is a big tall muscley man, he has totally different colour skin!


i wondered that too.
