Lighten Up!

Blahhh! I'm an Aussie & I can't really say I'm a Steve Irwin fan, but I LOVED this movie, so much so that I have bought it on DVD. Some of the posts seem to have a problem more with the individual, than what the movie was all about. Now listen carefully & I'll tell you why I think Irwin made this movie, .... the whole movie was centred around ENTERTAINMENT. Yes, entertainment, sometimes forgotten in our quest for cinematic perfection. Yes, Steve is over the top, yes, Terri can't act & yes, the plot had less substance than a 'Tom & Jerry' cartoon, but it is a fun way to fill in a few idle moments. When my two grandsons come over, I stick on 'Crocodile Hunter' & have a great laugh. We'll leave character & plot development to the 'psuedo' film critics. Watch it for what it is & not for what it isn't.
P.S. I also wear thongs!


Good on ya! I like you, already. Finally someone who is down to Earth. I loved the movie, too. It wasn't the best movie in the world but it sure as heck wasn't the worst! Entertainment just doesn't please many people these days, eh? I only care if I'm entertained... I haven't seen a movie that I haven't found entertaining. Then again I don't get to the theaters too often. Well, I hope you're always a positive person. ;D

Oh, and what does the thong thing mean? I'm so out of the loop.


I am with you two, I stated to watch the croc hunter well because I liked his style of a animal show. I have seen a few animal shows but they just show a animal while some guy off screen blabs on about it. That's boring! I like it when there's someone there showing the animal like Steve or Jeff Corwin.


Yea, I agree with you all, reading some of the other topic thingies is pretty annoying. Seems like half the people don't like this movie because Steve is a conservative or some other idiotic reason.

I personally love his shows and the movie. I'm actually going for a degree in herpetology myself so I really love the subject material especially.


i loved this movie as well it was great but my mum and dad wouldn't let me buy the dvd.........i 'am so sad

I AM AN AUSIIE AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
