david letterman

First off, I've watched the actul interview, it was not nearly as ugly as the movie makes out. Still though I feel Letterman had a point. I don't watch his show or anything but still, they were paying Pekar to be on the show, so if the makers and Dave don't won't him to talk about something he should have just shut about it.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


On Dave's old show it was kinda hard to tell what was real and staged though. There was a lot of odd stuff going on there that made it hilarious (of course he was inviting the oddest guests he could find as well), like Crispin Glover nearly kicking Dave in the head, or the Andy Kaufman/Jerry Lawler confrontation. Dave had Harvey on the show many times, I wouldn't be surprised if they told Harvey to play up the surly attitude.

or maybe not lol http://www.WorldofBong.com


I remember watching several of Harvey's interviews on Letterman. I had no idea who Harvey was or why Dave had him on. When I first saw this movie I loved it and have watched it numerous times. After seeing the movie and understanding who Harvey was I realized why Dave booked him. What's interesting is a guy like him could never be booked on Letterman today. Dave doesn't have guests on who are unknown to the general public. I was also a huge fan of R. Crumb and didn't even know he had a relationship with Harvey until I saw the movie. My favorite scene in the movie was Harvey at the supermarket getting stuck behind the old Jewish lady trying to buy the items with last weeks coupons. It was as real life as it gets.


Yeah Letterman was a totally different show when it came on late at night on NBC. Once he moved to CBS and had to compete directly with the Tonight Show it lost that quirky, almost underground-ish type feel and became more showbizzy.

or maybe not lol http://www.WorldofBong.com


I watched Letterman religiously on NBC, when it moved to CBS I quit watching within the first year, it really changed and I'm not just talking about Larry Bud.



Letterman was doing a lot of slamming of his new bosses at NBC (remember the non-handshake when he tried to greet the head of GE with a basket of fruit?) and calling them jerks..I thought Harvey was just taking it to the next level, but suddenly we find Letterman was really afraid of them..I'm siding with Harvey here and on the follow up show where Letterman swore he'd never be invited back.


@crakatoot First off, I've watched the actul interview, it was not nearly as ugly as the movie makes out.
I also watched the actual interview
and it seemed ugly to me:
"...very bad manners..."
"...this is not the forum..."
"...you're a guest in my house, so shut up..."
That doesn't sound like Letterman was happy with Harvey.

I don't watch his show or anything but still, they were paying Pekar to be on the show...
Are you sure? I always thought that guests appeared for free. The network might pay for their flight and accommodation, but that's it. In return the guests get to promote whatever movie, album, book etc. that they're selling.

If guests did get paid to appear on Letterman, there would be plenty of articles about who got paid the most, paid the least, etc.
