I'm sorry, but i really didn't like this movie..I adore french films. i like amelie, a very long engagement,Grande école, Irreversible, Swimming Pool even Romance and Baise-moi,Criminal Lovers struck me w/ it's plot. it triggers my imagination,apparently Sex is Comedy failed my expectations.It's so boring, it lacks the excitement i am looking for in a music to stir the emotion perhaps the actors doesn't have too much of it.
For me Sex is Comedy doesn't have any substance at all.

Don't kill me, Mike. I'm basically a good kid.



Hello Christian,
Just to say that I find you very angry with people. This guy made an honest comment - and you reply (as usual) in a evry harsh, and quite strange way (I think you are out of people to annoy, so you just picked one). Swimming Pool and Amelie praise sex over substance ??! That's ridiculous.



hi there christian i just made an honest opinion okey...
perhaps you could recommend other films
istead of critizing me..

Don't kill me, Mike. I'm basically a good kid.


Hi Billy.
Try 'Feux Rouges', from Cédric Kahn, it's a very interresting french thriller based on a belgium novel from 1953, but unsurprinsigly quite actual !


Sorry, Christian, I do, I do...!, It's obvious that Amelie is a "near-pornographic" movie, sorry...



I agree with you on that too, but as a Portuguese, my Enlgish is pretty bad, I thought that, when Billy said "I adore french films. i like amelie, ..." (sic.), he was mentioning a film I once saw called Amelie, but it's obvious that is some obnoxious hard-core porn flick.
I must go back to my english classes.
De qualquer forma, espero que não estejas chateado. :)



Não falo Espanhol companheiro!
now this in English: "I do do not speak Spanish Mate!"
in Spanish it should be something like "No hablo Español Compañero!" - but I'm not sure...
Back to the topic can someone tell me who is the director of the movie caleed amelie, but not the not-pornographic that I know ?


That would be Jean-Pierre Jeunet who also directed some other non-pornographic films such as City of Lost Children, A Very Long Engagement, and Delicatessen.


I just watched this movie and I liked it but I think it doesn't translate well. Maybe if I spoke french I'd get the comedy of it a bit more.


This movie was possibly the directors comment on how she deals with her actors.


This movie is nothing more than small claustrophobic film by a director about what it's like to be a director. That's about it as far as the "plot line" goes. Most of these "film within a film" movies tend to be rather tedious. It's almost as if the director wanted to justify the way she abuses actors in her real films, etc. It's really a rather self-serving outing for Breillat. No great shakes; no award winner, to be sure.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)
