MovieChat Forums > Scrapbook Discussion > Does anyone know???

Does anyone know???

Is this film banned in Australia, I've searched a few sites and can't find any info???

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


If errors have been made..others will be blamed.


Probably!, seems like Australia, New Zealand and the UK are the (wrap us up in cotton wool) capitols of the world! Try ebay.

"Maybe his head just got loose and fell off?"


I've tried ebay without any success. Amazon has a few new & used copies but of course (for some ungodly reason) they won't deliver to my destination.. I tried a couple of times to buy a copy with always the same message; "we apologise, there is a problem delivering to your location".... Since I posted this message up I've found out apparently our censorship board hasn't passed this film yet. So I better move fast before they do because knowing their track record they'll ban it for sure or cut it to bits.

I'll have to put plan B into action, cross your fingers for me and thanks for the reply.


If errors have been made..others will be blamed.


There's two going on ebay UK at the moment, one is cut and the other supposedly uncut. Sellar sais he'll post worldwide. Alas there's only five hours left on the bidding and if your in Australia you'll probably be asleep when it goes...

"Maybe his head just got loose and fell off?"


Just my luck... Thanks for your help though, really appreciate it.


If errors have been made..others will be blamed.


Lets not confuse conservative Aussie with liberal NZ. I saw Baise Moi on the bigscreen for godssake (not saying thats a good thing, but ...)

My copy of Scrapbook (from Amazon) is due to arrive today or tomorrow, and if August Underground & Mordum made it through customs I'm sure this wont be a problem.

