Questions about Charlie!

1. Does he get removed from the naughty list in the end?

2. What do his spray paintings in the gym mean?

3. Since when do high schools have security guards like the one who chases Charlie?

4. High schools have community service as punishment and does Charlie ever get through his even though "they won't come off"?

5. Do he and Principal Newman ever get along once they reach the North Pole and beyond in the third movie?


1. I'm sure he did.

2. Basically that he thought the school was anti-Christmas

3. It depends on the school, but my high school had a police officer that had an office at the school and was on call during the school day.

4. I think she probably let him off the hook since she became Mrs. Claus.

5. I'm sure they worked it out. Scott and Charlie loved each other so I'm sure Charlie and Carol made amends.


I agree with the first person who responded on 1,2,4,5, so I'll just add to 3:

Both my middle school and high school had a real county cop on staff. They were called the school "resource officers." They were not security guards, but real cops and they did carry guns.


For your 5th question I believe that they did make amends in this movie when he shows her the snow globe, I know i have seen the third Santa Clause movie, but Charlie is not in the movie all that much. He has a shorter part, as I believe that he was going snowboarding or something like that with Daniel that Scott gave his approval for him to go on the trip. Mis too the third Santa Clause mvoeiu takes place at the North Pole where she is expecting to give birth to her first baby with Scott, and she stays up at the North Pole as she was due to give birth at any time. So you don't really see them together to really know for sure. Well community service was the first thing that Scott could come up for as an alternative to taking him out of school. And he couldn't think of detention.
