Not again!

Argh! Another example of a game that dosen't give your character a voice! I just hate it when they don't give your character a voice. Oh well, at least it's better then DooM3 where they don't give your character a name, let alone a voice.

"Move it you maggots! Haul ass or die!"-Sgt. Bidwell


ummm does half life ring a bell? gordon freeman doesnt say a single word and hes awesome.


I had been wondering why they gave the other marines such distinctive well developed personalities (Anderson, Bidwell, Cortez, Morris, Rhodes, Strauss, Voss... did I miss anyone?) but left out Kane, but then I somehow got to this article on Wikipedia:

"Silent protagonists allow the player to create their own interpretation of a game character. By not being prompted by scripted character dialog, the nature of that character and what they say is left up to the imagination of the player."; "the silent protagonist is generic enough so that the player (usually silent himself while playing) feels no clash of personality or opinions during the game, or at least minimizes such a shock."

I could never work out why I never felt like "I" was the Master Chief in Halo, perhaps this is why.

I like posting in forums about movies.



You did have a name. They mention it somewhere

And so...
Ha Ha! I just made you waste 4 seconds of your life. Tool.



I was talking about DooM3, not Quake IV.

Savior, conqueror, hero, villian. You are all of these things, Revan and yet you are nothing.
