Why a higher rating?!?!

Why did this movie get a higher rating than the first? The first was beautiful, and the sequel was terrible. In the first movie, Pikatwo(Pikachu's clone)was fighting Pikachu, but it seemed to be hurting him.But then in the sequel, Pikatwo almost rips Pikachu's throat out! What's the deal?!? Mewtwo was all different too...And they don't even say where the heck Mew went...I don't know, this was just my opinion, but i think they just made it to get money....



The first sucked because it didnt have a lot! in the sequel go to speacial features and click the deleted scenens or somethin! cant remember but it has mewtwo like with a little girl and squirlte, charmander, and bulbasuar! There clones though! And the little girl is the DR guys daughter who died! And they didnt show it because kids that are like 11 and younger will probly get scared but i mean they can watch it because its just sad not scary! well c ya I hoped i explained a lot!! :)

I'm Gonna be the very best! Like no one ever was!


Yeah, both movies did suffer from a lot of cuts. :O But I'll admit I liked the first a little better, probably just because it seemed like a bigger adventure. Either that or just because I used to watch it all the time when I was seven or eight. Haha.

Nathaniel: Sire, do you...like yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?

