MovieChat Forums > Perfect Dark Zero (2005) Discussion > Xbox 360: Average graphics

Xbox 360: Average graphics

Urmm. I have seen many Xbox 360s displayed in shops recently. And I must say the graphics are extremely underwelming. They just look jagged and patchy, with sub-Pc resolution , it looks like just slightly prettier (very slightly) re-hashes of old Xbox games.

I am aware that graphics are not the most important thing.
And ,that aside, the various other features of the system are quite impressive. But its no great graphics revolution. a few more pixels and lighting effects but a PC can outshine anything it can. (and do tons more)

So I think I stand by Nintendo and what it said about the industry. Its getting boring.


You have to have a widescreen HDTV to see how good the graphics are.


This is true. Hooray for Plasma HDTV's!

But in any case, graphics on the 360's launch titles are on-par with current XBOX games if you play them on a regular non-HDTV.


The first hour I played PDZ my jaw was on the floor!
Graphically it is a huge stepup from Xbox and makes the PS2 look like a Gameboy (except for King Kong, that looks like a PS2 game!)!!


You also have to give the developers time to create games that will take advantage of the hardware that the 360 offers..........first generation games are always decent but not upto full potential.........I don't even have and HDTV and I love the, if anything it will outshine a pc soon enough (it has a 3.2 ghz processor right now) and the graphics card has disgusting potential............Microsoft is also talking about giving an upgrade to the system as time progresses for new technology and just for convenience


I don't think the gaming industry is getting boring, just a bit ruthless. It was a good move that microsoft bought out Rare, well for them it was. Nintendo lost its major selling point of the N64.

It said on this site that it was originally being made for the GC, maybe the bad graphics is because it was designed for the Xbox, not Xbox 360.


The most powerful engine is the (Unreal Engine 3) hey Gears Of War.

Just to tell you the like will take a few minutes to download fully.


got 360 today and was feeling a slight anticlimax playng perfect dark zero but after a while i started to see the subtleties of the 360 and how amazing its quality really is-the lighting in the club at the begining of is absolutely brilliant-the reds in particular look so rich and real.. cant really give any graphical reviews of anything else but i do agree that the graphics are a tad underwhelming-i think i started playing almost looking for something a lot more mind blowing than it was ever going to be - i am sure in time the graphics will sharpen up-look at the quantom graphical leap between halo and chronicles of riddick on xbox 1.


You guys have got to be blind to not see the change in graphics that huge. The detail of every single section of games, characters and levels is astounding. Everything is vivid and rounded, no patches or blocking figures and nice smooth textures everywhere you look. Way better than the original xbox and PS2 and most likely better than PS3.


I'm not an Xbox fan but.. Yeah I found graphical capabilities in the oddest places. I stared at the walls and at the ground for a sec and it was amazing; like the previous guy said you could see all the rounds and scratches and textures. I know it's not very much fun points but it's a worthy note....

They made these games while 360 was still in development or at least in it's final stages, it'll only get better when they know what to do with it...


all the curent games are only using 1 of 3 of the 360s proscesing cores, wait till march/april. thats when the developers will release games using the 360s full capabilites



Hey guys I have a question...
I was going to buy an Xbox 360 when it first came out but then I thought that it would be best if I waited a while until the other 2 consoles came out (Revolution and PS3), and besides I thought that the price might come down a bit if I waited until then.
I also thought that Microsoft would release better accessories during that time (like a hard disk with more space).

Do you think I did the right thing or should Ive bought the 360 when it first came out?



I think the pc gamers are just clinging to their expensive computers because they have so much invested in them. Clearly consoles are going to out match pc game technology in the near future. Consoles are just a much more convienent way to enjoy a game. I do all my work on a mac and play my games on consoles. I saw the xbox 360 at game stop and the graphics looked better than anything Ive ever seen on a pc. Just waiting a bit to purchase one.


I dont see how you can say the Graphics are underwelming. I mean Perfect Dark has some of the best weapon models ive ever seen.


High-end PC's can out perform the 360. If you think that the 360 has better graphics than the PC can get you're dead wrong. I love my 360 and all but the PC can get much better graphics.

"I can only point the way, Grasshopper. You must walk the path yourself." -Kung Fu


The Xbox 360 can produce way better graphics than the original Xbox, but it was not possible to show the full power of the system at launch and a standard television can not produce the graphics you are looking for anyway.


That may be true, but the PC can still out do the 360.

"I can only point the way, Grasshopper. You must walk the path yourself." -Kung Fu


That is why some screenshots of a game in development might look better than the finished version, but that did not happen with this game.


1) That has nothing oo do with what we're talking about.

2) Usually the screenshots that are shown come from the cutscenes. It's easer to have great graphics in cutscenes than it is too have them in-game. However if you look at screenshots from TES 4 thats al in-game. Compare those PC screenshots too the 360 screenshots and you'll see that the PC has the better graphics. With the 360 you can't turn the graphics up with things like AA and Smoke-smoothing (COD 2).

"I can only point the way, Grasshopper. You must walk the path yourself." -Kung Fu


The 360 will easily outdo even the best PC very soon. The days of PC's having the best looking graphics in games, yeah those days are coming to an end,


Yeah, even though a new graphics thingy is coming out that will make ALL explosions look different. The thing about the PC is that it can be constantly upgraded for better graphics. I love my 360, but the PC can and most likely will always have better graphics.

"I need links to sword training vids or advice on books to buy. Please."-Me


That may be true, but the PC can still out do the 360

Show me a P.C that can match the specs of the 360 for only AU$649, and I'll gladly change my views. As it is, I only play the PC because no ones found a good way to transfer strategy games to console.

Take a Screenshot, It'll last longer!


I'm talking highend. I'm not talking about the "cheap" ones (i.e. mine). If you take the best PC (for home use, not military) and compare it to the 360, the PC wins. Especially since a new feature is coming out that makes all the explosions look different and... I'd have to ask my friend. I'm not big on specs.

"Clark has one major weakness. Deep down, he's a good person. And deep down, I'm not."-Batman


Funny how this thread started on talking about an XBox 360 game and quickly turned into a PC versus console war.

Console owners, why must you bash on PCs? And PC users, why bash on consoles? They're different systems, and both have advantages and disadvantages.

We're all gamers for crying out loud. Let's just enjoy the system or systems we play on and have respect for one another. Is that really so hard?


Thank you! I own the 360 and the PC. I love both! Hell... I have TES4 for both. Just let me enjoy the better PC.

And no it isn't that hard. When you put it that way.

"Pain, Pain Is All He Wants.
And Hate, Yes Hate."


The only person that did any bashing was the guy that created this thread.


People who feel a need to bash on another system have serious security issues. Probably repressed from a bad childhood. I just don't get it. Games are supposed to be fun, yet so many turn to namecalling and making up battlelines and doing the whole "us vs. them" thing.

Grow up already. This goes out to both the PC owners who bash on consoles AND console owners who bash on the PC or other consoles. We're sick of listening to your sh!t. Nobody cares what you own or how cool it is. You like it? Great! Play it already! Or put some of that repressed energy to good use and get a job or donate blood. Help the poor. Give a homeless guy a meal. Just quit wasting perfectly good cyberspace with your "XBOX 360 PWNS PC! WOOT!!! SUCK ON IT NOOBS!" Or "PC PWNS ALL!!! I HAZORS YOUR SOCKZORS PEEPS!!!"



I wasn't bashing, I was genuinely underwhelmed.
However I've since played games like Bioshock, Assassins Creed on an HDTV and am most impressed, so take back my statement.
But Crysis on a PC on full settings? Leaps and bounds ahead.

The thing about the PC is that there are constantly upgrades, new graphics cards, Ram upgrades etc.. sure its annoying and expensive, but its always going to advance beyond the capabilities of the console market. Just the way it is.
