Not Realistic

I have the tendency to get sucked into these lifetime movies, and I enjoyed this one until the end. Come on now. I'm sorry but it would NOT be okay with me if my best friend was sleeping with my husband right after we go divorced or EVER. The ending is just so unrealistic. The daughter is okay with it? The wife is okay with it?? That's so wrong. I never would have spoken to my friend again if she did that. Sure the wife wanted a divorce, but she'd been married to the guy for at least 20 years- she would still be hurt and fragile. Her friend didn't even really try to get her to try to work things out or at least give it time before she jumped in bed with him. The movie should have ended with the best friend (the one sleeping with someone else's husband) catchin a plane back to where ever she came from.


I so totally agree! However......maybe since the personalities who live in Hollywood (including the writers) have NO sense of boundaries of what decency means. jmo


Part of me thought the wife's outrage was a bit much, considering that she had pretty firmly rejected the husband but the problem in it being her lifelong friend, instead of some newcomer, is that it would raise the question about if the husband had always quietly lusted after Jane, casting rather a shadow over the whole of their joint pasts.

It wasn't immoral or evil - she wasn't stealing him from a happy marriage - but a huge lack of judgement if she wanted to stay friends with Mandy. The script did rather emphasise her desperate loneliness and his misery but there are limits.


Yet maybe not realistic...Cheryl Ladd is VERY hot in this movie.


<maybe since the personalities who live in Hollywood (including the writers) have NO sense of boundaries of what decency means. jmo>

I dunno, in real life, he probably would have run off with Cheryl Ladd's daughter if she had one.


It would have been better if Cheryl/Jane told Bess/Mandy "what did you think was going to happen when you decided to let this hot man go, biotch!"

Then Billy Moses could have said "yeah, I don't know what I ever saw in you in the first place."

I just took a dislike to the wife from the beginning because everytime her husband even came near her, she acted like he made her sick and gave her the creeps and he just didn't seem to have given her any reason to act like that.

Well, now she's got one!!!!


I don't know why I watched this all the way through (it was SO bad), but I did. Honestly, I felt absolutely no sympathy for the wife whatsoever. Neither woman seemed capable of making up her mind, but Bess Armstrong's character was particularly annoying. I'm sure it was just bad script writing, but the reasons she gave for having to get out of her marriage were just self centered and whiny. Besides, once she divorced her husband, she lost the right to have any say in who he spends his time with.

And finally, the hair/make up people from this flick should be shot. Bess Armstrong, Cheryl Ladd and the actress who played Kelly all looked like their hair had been cut with garden shears.


Completely agree. I watched this as a joke, but it was tough since the acting was completely atrocious. But I do appreciate that all three had different hair colors (red, blonde, brunette) so we could tell them apart, since no one had any distinct personality or individual traits.


Dunno why it's not realistic, plenty of people in real life marry their wife's best friend after divorcing.

Agreed, I felt no sympathy for Bess Armstrong's character whatsoever. She wanted 100% out of the marriage, so she should have no say as to who he spends his time with.



Ditto some of the above...

The wife had made up her mind, he tried and had been trying to no avail. SHE wanted out, so she got what she wanted. Jane/Cheryl was very lonely, a good friend, and much better for him IMO. A good friend, which is what a husband & wife should have with each other, wouldn't bail on their partner after 20 years. Jane/Cheryl was better off and more suited to him. It was meant to be.


It was Cheryl Ladd!

Kind of reminds me of Danielle Steele's "Daddy" with Patrick Duffy where Kate Mulgrew dumps him and he ends up with Lynda Carter... win/win!

Angie Harmon is a right-wing RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALIST
Still not seeing the problem!


I thought it was realistic when she called Jane a bitch. But yeah, she should have just left town, the two of them didn't even seem to know what they were doing.


I thought the wife was ridiculous! She had NO right to be that angry at her ex husband or even her friend.
She kicked HIM to the curb with a big evil smile, and did it in such a nasty way.
Because she was BORED?! Awww! She was lucky a kind man like that even stayed with her crude, fugly self.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Um yes she did. Like I said in my previous post she could have divorced him years ago that man is still the father of her best friend's children the same man her best friend was intimate with for twenty years. How come that don't mean anything? They had to have known each other in college and maybe longer and she had the audacity to do what she did?

That is sickening and slutty. Whoever say otherwise don't have a conscience and would not be a genuine friend to anyone. That's just wrong. If it was so right why did they begin their relationship in secrecy? If you are right you don't have to hide anything.


I totally agree!! I don't care if she divorced him ten years ago he is the father of her children and her best friend had NO business sleeping with him! To the ones who excused this behavior you have no morals or dignity about yourselves. That is like using the wash cloth that your best friend just used to clean her vagina. One may say it isn't. How so? You are sleeping with the people that your sexual partner has slept with. Ever heard of HIV? Herpes? Even though an individual may not have any visible symptoms of the disease (s) but if s/he was to ever hear that one of his/her past sexual partners slept with someone else who had the virus would they be paranoid? My point exactly. Whoever you screw with you are indirectly screwing with his/her past partners. So indirectly the Cheryl Ladd character slept with her best friend.

And then she SLAPPED HER?! Wow! This movie was way over the top and too unrealistic. I so agree with the OP. It's making me think one or both of them had eyes for the other one all along.


I personally would not 'run' to my friend's ex-husband, just on principle.
I've known people who have dated their friends' exes before.

And um sorry, an ex-wife does NOT OWN her ex-husband!!!! Why doesn't that register with people?? He is a man, with all the rights of any other man.

Same with Jane. It may not have been the kindest thing she did, but she had a right to date him. He was a single man.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Uh yes it is wrong. You can dress it however you want to but it is what it is & its trifling. I agree she may not own her husband but that's not the point. Of all the single men out here she rather screw her bf ex husband! I mean come on!


Again I see your logic but its the principle and morality of the whole thing.


I think it is realistic about women and who they love. What is sad here, is that both women are suffering, and neither can help each other. I agree that she should have waited for the divorce. But the couple grew apart and everyone involved were lucky to still want to be part of each other's lives. A good message about considering the other guy's happiness, not just your own.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


"fireballag06" wrote,"...would still be hurt and fragile. Her friend didn't even really try to get her to try to work things out or at least give it time before she jumped in bed with him."

I couldn't disagree more. "Hurt and fragile"? I don't thinks so, far from it. ...."didn't really try to get her to work things out"? Let me remind you that it was her choice and hers alone to want a divorce; disregarding the "repeated" attempts of those close to her to change her mind. When she took on her narcisstic attitude, she left the door open for all that followed to happen. She had absolutely no one to blame but herself. She made the statement early on that it wasn't about him but "about me" and that was the way she behaved throughout. So in keeping with her "it's all about me" attitude she puts the blame squarely on her best friend, only the real culprit was her.
