Hello. I'm from Russia.

I'm from Russia. I have seen "Dracula 2000" and "Dracula Ascension". I'm a great fan of these films. I can't find something about these films on Russian sites that's why I'm here. "Dracula III" doesn't go in Russia, so I haven't seen it. But I'm looking foward to it. Well, that's all I think.

P.S. I'm writing it here because I don't know anybody who likes Dracula as much as I do (in Russia).
P.S.P.S. Sorry for my grammar.


Sorry, but the films dissapointed me, having liked vampires since I was a kid, and having seen many vampire movies, these movies just were not good enough.


Maybe the movie is not so good. But the character!.. (in the second part) At first I didn't understand what is the movie about, it didn't matter. Then I read the Bible, and to my mind the plot is good but it composed imperfectly. Although it is not so bad. I liked it.


I actually liked the plot of the first one - or at least the concept. For me, it's all about Judas Iscariot, Unsung Hero. If somebody loves the second one that much, maybe I should watch it.

oh - and Rutger Hauer rules!


About Dracula II. (whenever Dracula III would come to Russia!) You know, if there weren't so harrowing musik it wouldn't be so truthful. (Especially good musik in those episodes when Elizabeth take blood from him (at the first time), and when Ufizzy (the priest) goes along the street at the begining of the film, and especially in the end of the film when she extends her arm to him.) And after this film I started believe that the vampires really exist and they are exactly like in the film. So, I occupied all russian sites about vampires. Nothing interesting. Just imagination of people who crazy about it (just like me), exept one seakness wich gives disproof of vampires existence. Nonetheless I still believe they exist somewere.



Sure this movie seems like it may not be all that great, but it pales in comparison to other crappy vampire movies like Frost and Sleepless Nights. The only character I recognized in Frost was Gary Busey and Sleepless Nights looks like it was filmed with a regular video camera. Both movies sucked way worse than Dracula II or III. If I had to put money on either of these movies it would definitely be on both Draculas.
