not too good on my list

the only thing i like abt this movie was at the begining where it showed the opening credits.. after tt the movie just went downhill.. i felt like vomiting with the excessively jerky camera movements.. the acting was pretty ok and the intern really got me irritated with his character.. lol.. just cant stand pl like these and he did a great job of acting tt out.. pretty girls tho.. hehe


I liked the one shot with the guy in black walking on the porch.....and the magical disappearing dog.......someone call David Copperfield

The rest of it sucked


after watching for 20 min i couldn't continue. what realy did it was the guy bodine in the american crime show. the guy with the british accent. he just wasn't realistic. at all.


He was terrible, sounded more Australian than British!


I agree this is very disappointing

4 out of 10

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn
