
Am I an idiot? Or is this movie pure garbage. I don't get it...who was the killer? I mean, there was no insight as to who it could have possibly been, and my only thought was it was rachel leigh cook's character and the camera man together...but? Somebody, please inform me, my brain is in massive amounts of tangled mess over this.

ps, this movie sucks as...s


Actually I don't think even the writers knew who the killer was... they just wanted to throw the audience a twist at the end.
What a piece of pooh this movie was. Not only was the plot convoluted but the MTV style editing made me sea sick.
The only good thing about this movie was Annabella. She is a solid actor and looks lovlier and lovlier with age.
Rachel Leigh Cook was forgettable.
If I see Kip Pardue pout his way through another movie, I'm going to ralph.
Cary Elwes did an admirable job playing a cross between Alistair Cooke and Robert Stack; almost making me forget what a horrible acting job he pulled in Saw.


We don't know who the Killer is thats one of the things that sucks about the movie. What we do know is it wasnt Rachel Leigh Cooks char because she is one of the bodies found (you know this by the narration at the end). The movie tries to hard to toss suspicion on everybody else so you dont know who the killer is. Once the main ones were eliminated either by death or locked up it leaves only one possible choice or at least to me it does. Who? The sheriff. He has an obvious disdain for hookers and strippers and he dodenst ge tkilled or locked up. This movie really had potential with the cast it had to bad it tried to hard to confuse and twist the plot.


*SPOLIERS* The ending. Well first le tme agree with just about everyone that the whole thing was a missed opportunity. The killer was probably Mack (the creepy way he touches RLC's hair at the beginning, the fact he seemingly knew of the lesbian characters before it was common knowledge, he's also one of the only surviving characters that's not imprisoned). What's more significant is the fact that the producers don't seem to care who the killer is. This movie seems more of an indictement of the tabloid portions of media, how the viewers fuel the need in some to impress the media watching public (hence taking up murdering in creatice ways on camera) and in the end when the last package arrives, it's like saying maybe the imprisoned character at the end was the killer, maybe he wasn't; all that matters is that another will take up the mantle...the killings fueled by the public and the media will continue.

I'm not saying I agree with all of this, but that does seem to be what preoccupies the filmmakers.


At least the makers of this movie paid more attention to detail than you obviously do when you type!! It is very difficult to figure out what you exactly you are trying to say with so many typos. Anyway, I thought it was a great movie and not knowing who the murderer was at the end was a fabulous change from being spoon fed every bit of information and having all the loose ends tied up neatly. Life ain't like that so why do so many plebs want movies to be?


Actually I just finished watching the movie a second time and it seems you are wrong. You said that according to the narration at the end Jesse St. Clair (RLC) is one of the bodies found. But that's not what was said at all. Here is what was really said:

Man: (v/o) The FBI has concluded that the killings dating back to 1995 were all related. That the perpetrator, Albert Bodine, had suffered from an aching hunger for notoriety and a deep seeded need for the respect of the public at large. The bodies of all the victims have been fully or partially recovered except for those of Jesse St. Clair and Rob Latrobe. Albert Bodine remains incarcerated. I’m Malcolm Tegin and you’re watching true crime stories here on American Crime.

Another thing I noticed was that when Albert Bodine is being interrogated he says that the killer handcuffed him. But when we saw him earlier when Rob and Jane went to the house and looked into the basement, his hands seemed to be tied to the chair. Just thought I'd point that out.


I just watched this movie and hurried onto this site to find out if I missed who the killer was but I guess I didn't. WHO THE HELL WAS IT?! I thought it was Mack, the guy at the beginning but I have no idea. I didn't think it was Cary Elwes character because his hands were tied pretty tight. I just think the movie should've ended better. If not showing the killer during the movie, they should have showed the killer at the end even if it was for a second. Also what I don't get is whether the package was arriving in the office or being sent out.

Whew! That movie could've been better than it was and the fact that I didn't find out who the killer was is sort of aggravating.

I noticed the hands tied and the handcuffs also. If Albert did do it, how would he tie and untie his hands or handcuff himself. Confusing. This movie was really confusing. Thank God I only rented it for 99 cents. But still I could've gotten something else.


This movie was trash!

There was no point in the ending bit saying that rob or jesse's bodies weren't recovered because it was obvious that neither one of them was the killer.
The worst bit about this movie though was the fact that the crappy english guy ended up living. The only reason that I kept watching the movie was to see this loser die, and he didn't. Everytime he spoke or the camera was on him I just wanted to give him a back hand to the face. No one in England speaks like that and why the hell couldn't he have open his eyes when he talked? He wasn't funny and there was no point in him acting as though he had a carrot up his arse.
If the whole point of not showing the killer at the end was to leave the ending open so that a sequel could be made....

......may god have mercy on our souls


The Killer was random... it could be anyone, somebody we seen in the film or someone just doing it for kicks.

Al was let live to take the blame and, killed men wasn't the killer's MO he was after women, the ones he video taped only... he/she only wacked that gack Rob in the head to put him on the shelf so he could nab Jane (who he was taping).

Heck, for all we know it could have been that girls boyfriend after all! I like the fact you just don't know.

What I liked about Saw was that at the end you didn't know what happen to Adam and Gordon.

Being spoon fed every little part of a plot is something I'm not into, have to guess what happens next why that happen is fine.

Everyone takes something new from it.


There is one point where Bodine is calling Rob on a pay phone, and a tramp is hanging around behind him. I reckon the tramp was the killer !


nononono, the narrration at the end of the movie says that Jesse's and Rob's bodies were never found. Rob got hit in the back of the head with a hammer, so it couldn't have been him. However, the possibility of Jesse was stil open.


this move is a steaming pile of *beep* and what the hell is cary elwes' problem, his acting sucked


I think the killer was the 1st female reporter that dissapeared. She had acces to all the video stuff(if she filmed herself to throw us off). Otherwise, it has to be the guy that called out Anna as a lesbian at the party.

that'smy best guess.


this was one of the best movies i have ever seen...its been about 3 months since ive seen it so im a little fuzzy on the details but i love the fact that the movie doesnt hand you the resolution on a silver plater. It would be incredibly hollywood if you found out who the killer was. Maybe its just me and my love for abstract film but this was one of the best films i have ever seen...comparable to possibly the sultan sea (if u havent seen it, buy it)


"the fact he seemingly knew of the lesbian characters before it was common knowledge,"

Were they okay at the end of the film?


i love this movie and think the end is great. i find it leaves you open to interpretation of who you think the killer is. i personally think its the cameraguy at the beginning of the film, not kip pardue but the other dude.


Thanks for the heads up on "Sultan Sea". I will make a note in my film database to avoid that film.


That guy is a dumb ass. "The Salton Sea"*, is what i'm pretty sure he is talking about, is actually a good movie. That is if you like Val Kilmer's style of acting.


Just saw the movie for the first time. I was frustrated as many of you have been by not being hand fed who the killer was. The only interesting thing I thought I might add to the mix is that it appears that the final scenes take place at Jesse's childhood home. There were a couple of shots showing pictures of what appears to be a set of highschool photos of Jesse. They never recovered her body and the house where they filmed the final scenes was eventually burned to the ground. I am not implying I know who the killer is, just thought I would throw that out there.


I don't know if this is relevant, but in the end of the movie when Rob and Jane(I think, I've seen the movie long time ago) when they are going to enter in the house, we see a lot of times the dog, and it seems to be "nervous", If the killer had already killed people that way, why was the dog like that?

And my best shot is Mack too...and I think is the only one possible...


The dog you see gets more and more agitated because it knows what's going to happen to them - it wants to save them. This dog is probably the only thing I liked about the movie, the level of danger they were in is measured by how crazy the dog is going, and then when Jane(?) is trying to escape she doesn't leave through the front door because she's scared of the dog. Apart from that, the movie was so incredibly bad I had to watch it again, just incase I'd missed something that made it good. Terrible- it's the only word to describe the complete failure of a film this is!


But what happened to the dog? You hear it in the final bits after it breaks in, but it doesn't even appear.


I just taped this watching bits here & there while doing other thing's,...and to the best of my knowledge is Cary Elwes (with a fake putty nose) is the Killer. At least it appear's he is in the end. But GACK,...this movie is "Ugh Infected!"~

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!



HAH! Yessir! This Turkey doesn't even Cop-A-Deuce'~ in My Book of Funky Weirdness, I think Cary Elwes has been Sniffin' Heroin from A Rabid Monkey's Ass! This and his performance in Saw are two: "Ugh-Gut-Ack Puke" Laughable. But I can 'see' it in Saw, he was trying to 'downplay' it, but was still Over the Top
because of how really Really Bad Writer/Co-Star (Co-Bathroom Sawbuddy)(whatshisface) Actor's performance. I prefer Saw2,...haven't seen 3 or 4,...yet, but they are def~ a Cut above Crap like this! (Pun Intended) My Vote "1.2" out of "10". There's only 5 Ten's in the whole World of Moviedom, and this ain't one of em'.~ But;....The Godfather is! Whatever happened to the Cary Elwes that was so good in Robin Hood: Men In Tight's???? In This laugh fest, he reminds me of Donald "Duck" Trump. His lips poochin' all over looks like he's "Polishin' a Donkey's Ball's!" Rock On!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!



its a unamerican flim ending. we need to have a secure ending to enjoy a movie thats why not many people liked it. it was trying to break the boreders on american flim styles.


Gawd. The idea that this is some kind of brilliant movie too sophisticated and radical for IMdb viewer's tastes is ridiculous. This movie is obviously MTV-esque fare aimed at no-brain kids... particularly the kind who think the idea of having a random killer at the end is some kind of mind-blowing, radical concept. I'm sure some of the people involved with the movie were equally impressed with themselves as well.

The movie was simply bad, in virtually every respect except some of the acting. The ending was a cop-out on the writer's part, or a cheap gimmick - take your pick. They set the whole movie up to get you to keep guessing who the killer was, providing a series of misleads, etc... Not having one at the end is as bad as introducing a brand new character in the last few minutes before the end or having the main character wake up and find that the whole movie was a dream - it's unfair and insulting to the audience. They usually cover this in freshman English classes.
