
people should stop using stupid excuses like "i just wasn't connecting with you" and just be honest and say what they really want, which is "i need to get laid tonight and that girl seems easier than you"

almost all elimidate episodes are like that. this show is quite stupid anyway, but i just can't stop watching it!



Agreed. Everyone is already being a prick to each other, so I don't see why they have be so kind when they let someone go. I wish someone would already tell the chunkier girl in the group that they were letting them go because they are a fat sow, but I guess that'll never happen now since the show got canned.

And yes, as *beep* as this show is, I keep watching it as well. It's like a bad car accident. For some reason, I'm stuck like glue to shows that piss me off.
You know it.


You know, that line seems like it's in nearly every episode. One funny one was this cop was makin' out with these two girls. Two girls were kissing the sh!t out of him and at the end, he told the bigger one, 'I'm coming to choose her, you kinda scared me.' That line was hilarious as hell.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna *beep* wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
