Friday 3/12/04

Anyone know who won that episode: Zack (the muscle guy) or the other guy (I don't remember his name)?


Assuming there haven't been too many mobile mountains of flesh named Zack, it was repeat on 3/27. The other dude won, Zack got cut last.

It was the show that prompted my post:


Thanks for the info, Jeramie. I'm glad Zack got cut. And I totally agree with your post.

On the nights when it's four woman and one guy, it's the same thing. I really hate it when the most mean-spirited, arrogant, self-centered person wins (which happens way too often). That's why I was so interested in finding out if Zack lost.


I keep telling my girlfriend that I want to appear on elimiDATE just to set an example.

"You're a slut, you're cut."
"Your ego and you are cut."
"I'm tired of listening to you argue with everything. You're cut."
"I'm tired of your unprovoked insults. You're cut."

Then I walk out alone.



That's the way to do it.
