My Take... if you care?

I just watched this last night. I was very eager to see it when it came out in theaters, but missed and caught on a bargain VHS. I'm glad I saw it on the cheap. It's not BAD, but it's not really all that special either, maybe before E!, it would have been special.

As for Evans, see Wag the Dog after this; I'd just about swear they shot that movie in Evans' home. It's Evans down to the dubious, egotistical approach to producer's credits. (Speaking of homes, might Jack Nicholson talk to my landlord? I'm a little short on cash myself.)

I like the way Evans rolls Black Sunday into his list of pre Cotton Club movies in the 80's like it was a huge critical and financial success (I seem to remember it being a boring and stupid flop).

His legacy? Love Story sucked, Ali McGraw is so annoying in that, that I can't even channel surf past it without shouting to Ryan O' Neal, "You're better off, dude!" But The Godfather, The Cotton Club, Popeye and CHINATOWN (!) which all rank high on my list of greats passed through on his watch and that's an outstanding record. Did I mention CHINATOWN?

But the single most striking thing for me about the whole movie is how his voice got so gravelly over time.





San Diego, Ca Indie Filmmaker


I didn't like this documentary at all. There are FAR too many scenes showing a pool and flowers and often the music is so loud it's difficult to hear Evan's speaking...and he's not the best orator as it is.

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."


No he is not the best orator, in fact his voice could put you to sleep.

It's too bad, becuase it could have been so much better.

Great subject matter, I guess the book is much better.


Yeah, definitely - the music drowned out his narration.


Evans did the narration after his stroke.
