Wesker gets killed!

I was playing asChris the other day and Wesker got smacked into the pit by Lisa Trevor! How does that affect the ending, because now by 2nd disc refuses to play.

EDIT: Got the disc fixed - Wesker alive and well near the end. Plot inconsisency or simply the virus allowing him to escape unscathed again?



I don't see it as a problem. He could have just grabbed a rock on the way down.

"Doesn't mean I say penis when I mean to say penis! I mean penis! Car! Penis! Car!"



I still think it's possible he could have surviving, even if grabbing the wall slowed his fall, maybe he landed on a ledge, etc.

"Doesn't mean I say penis when I mean to say penis! I mean penis! Car! Penis! Car!"



He took a virus designed by a competing group that turned him into a supersoldier, hence he survived his fall and the Tyrant attack.
