MovieChat Forums > After School Special (2006) Discussion > I know it's just a movie but....?

I know it's just a movie but....?

Isn't "pleasuring yourself" in the high school toilets considered lewd behaviour?
I mean he could be arrested for that.

And who the hell carries a bottle of lube with them, I know it's funny but this guy goes to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much trouble doing this.

It's kinda like Stiffler in American Pie making porn from footage from a hidden camera in the girl changrooms, thats pedophelia right.



No... Paedophelia is when you're attracted to little children.


not padeophilia. Technically the law makes a distinction at age 14.

He could be arrested for possession and making of child porn. That applies to any woman under 18. It's a real tough law, not sure if they changed it since the 90's. I remember a big spiel about how the movie Titanic would be considered child porn under that law- LOL. Because the law applies to anyone under age 18, or if the movie was depicts a person under age 18 (Rose was supposed to be 17 in the Titanic). The law was written this way to fight against psuedo child porn where the girls are over 18, but made to look real young.


1) It's illegal to jerk off in public, but not in a public bathroom.
2) Of course it's mean to be a joke. The fact that he does it 8 time a day is already a sign of obsession.
