Best Women?


For me the Best were:

Chardonnay: For some reason was absolutely loathed by Jackie, but was actually one of the most normal and decent girls on the show. Not the most interesting character, but it was good to see not all footballers wives are nutty loathsome bitches.

Shannon: Going from a dizzy chav, to Jordan wannabe, to actual glamour girl but still being so thick and naieve at times made her great fun. She never seemed to give a damn who was around at the time, and always spoke her mind.

Amber: Pure entertainment. From the moment she entered the show she was just great as this unashamedly bold character. Between faking her own kidnapping, to trying to kill Bruno with a shotgun and being wheeled off to the nuthouse, she was great value.

Tanya: As above. She was just as cunning as Amber but on the other side of the spectrum, was absolutly cunning and sly, and was always low key about getting what she wanted, and she always did.

Hazel Bailey: Strong entertaining woman who steals just about every scene she's in. Even when she eventually leaves the show its to her own gain.


Tanya Turner, she was the star of the show.


Tanya and hazel of course!but none of the rest was really bad actually.i liked them all!



My list in order of favoirte would be:



Tanya and Hazel Bailey. Everyone else was sub-par compared to them.

Dude,Mieke's hideous RUN!


For some reason I never like Donna, Lucy, and Shannon. I don't know why.

I know I hated Donna because she cheated on Ian. THE JERK!!!

But the top 3 easily:


Always an active duty Jr. American Gladiator!


'I know I hated Donna because she cheated on Ian. THE JERK!!!'

I know. After he'd cheated on her with her own sister and then got caught in the papers having sex with three bimbos for his wife to see. What a cow she is cheating on him after that!

There was always something about Tanya I didn't like aswell. I felt sorry for her with the way Jason treated her in the first two seasons. She was clearly in love with him and he kept breaking her heart. But my sympathy for her evaporated with the callous way she went about stealing Conrad from Amber, and then Paulo from Eva. She just didn't care who she hurt, so long as she got what she wanted, going as far as to steal a woman's child, husband AND home, and it put me right off her.

I didn't like Shannon too much because she was just too gobby, and despite the fact that I am also a scouser, I can't STAND women with a really shrill, loud scouse accent, it really gets on my nerves. She's right up there with Jennifer Ellison in the annoying scouse tarts list.

I only really liked Chardonnay and Amber. Sadly they both left the series through rather tragic circumstances, so I was left with the women I didn't really like. Don't get me started on Liberty. Hazel was great but she wasn't in it enough. Lucy was too much of a doormat for me to like her that much. I know she had an absolute sex god for a husband but even that's not going to count for much when you're being verbally and mentally abused like she was.

'Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!'


