MovieChat Forums > Love's Brother (2004) Discussion > How come nobody mentions that this is a ...

How come nobody mentions that this is a remake?

The writing credits only mention Mr Jan Sardi, and I don't see any mention anywhere of the fact that this movie is a (poor) remake, with added subplots, of the Italian classic comedy BELLO ONESTO EMIGRATO AUSTRALIA...(

Of course it's a huge task to play the roles that once belonged to Alberto Sordi and Claudia Cardinale, and nobody expects Ribisi to be up to Sordi's standards, but it seems to me he is actively BAD.


Probably the same reason that nobody mentions that 'Scent Of A Woman' 1992 is a remake of 'Profumo Di Donna' 1974. Hollywood has run out of ideas and they just rehash old stories. Yes, I know 'Love's Brother' is an Australian movie, same thing!


The plot is the same but the movie with Alberto Sordi is a comedy, Love's Brother is more romance.


The two films carry a common thread - but a 'remake' ?


At the time, advertising for a bride in 'the old country' was quite commonplace for young male European immigrants in Australia

I only stumbled on this charming little film on the discovery it was filmed in my recently adopted hometown of Daylesford, Victoria - Australia

I can't believe I'd not come across it previously
It seems to have had greater success overseas, than in its home country

I couldn't recommend it highly enough, beautiful settings aside
