Excellent documentary, however....

the fact is, the U.S. needs to stop all immigration, now!

Americans need to recognize that they simply cannot be the saviors of all the people in the world! The U.S. simply does not have the resources - financial and otherwise, to continue to admit everyone who wants/needs to leave their country.

We continue to take people in & help them get established, while staggering numbers of our own people are homeless, starving and/or badly want to work but can't find jobs...our own economy is in dire straits, yet, we provide more assistance and show more concern for immigrants than we do for other Americans. Interesting, how much assistance immigrants are given in obtaining work and education, in comparison to the assistance we give to our own citizens, isn't it?

The immigrants who are here now, legally, need to realize that just because they miss their culture, Americans are not obligated to change our culture, to accommodate theirs.

It is not only the immigrants who are to blame...the U.S. has allowed this to happen.

So, there's my politically very incorrect opinion - and it is time for other Americans who are sickened by happening in and to our country, our constitution and our way of life to stop being afraid of being labeled "politically incorrect" and start speaking out. More importantly, it is time for the "politically incorrect" to start taking action to stop this idiocy!

We cannot save the world, particularly we cannot save it at the expense of our country, our freedom and our own economy and well being!!


Spoken like typical sheeple, regurgitating BS from fox news. If you think immigration is the root of our financial problem, I have a spaceship to sell you.

And these boys weren't even "saved" at the expense of the US, they were forced to repay the debt for the plane tickets.

Nobody minds immigrants when they're being exploited. But they're the first to be blamed when things go wrong.


"If you think immigration is the root of our financial problem, I have a spaceship to sell you."

Hahahahaha! This is the best thing I've ever heard. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. Good on you.


And you are Sioux? Apache? Cherokee? Ojibwe? Navajo?
I suppose if you were one of those North Americans, I could understand why you would be against immigrants taking your land. However, if you are a taxpaying citizen of the United States of America, you are eligible for A LOT of federal assistance in paying for education, unemployment insurance and welfare, for life.

The boys in this movie received federal assistance for 3 months, which they then had to pay back out of their paychecks (which also had taxes taken out that pay for exactly those types of services) and their contributions to have jobs and work to earn their own keep strengthens the economy, not weaken it. Did you not see how the one young man woke up at 5:15 AM to arrive at his factory job, and then in the afternoon when his full-time shift was over he then worked full-time at a second job at McDonalds in the evenings? That guy isn't getting a free handout. He works his butt off and the income taxes from his minimum wage paychecks go toward public services that ALL of us use, even if one of us doesn't work at all. So, HE is supporting US, not the other way around.

"Enough of that technical talk, Foo!"

