i prefer this claw.

cause his hand is an actual CLAW! i mean his names Dr. Claw, not Dr. Metal Hand. i mean picture it. a large chair with the M.A.D. logo on it. and a big metal claw reaches out to grab a cigar. then we see the front of the chair but his head is cut off by the top of the screen. the other hand is concealed in a black glove, it strikes a match and lights the cigar in the clawed hand. the figure then stands up and walks over to a desk of drawers. he pulls out a file and tosses it onto the table behind him. we then see two henchmen looking at the dark figure. a deep voice tells them how he will not tolerate failure. the black gloved hand whips open the file and we see it's gadget's. the claw goes up off screen to the unseen face. a puff of smoke is blown down from the head. The deep menacing voice tells them that this is their target. and that they know what happens if they fail. the claw then shoves the burning end of the cigar into the pic of gadget's face and then we hear the deep menacing laugh of Dr. Claw as the embers burn a large hole in gadget's face.

*ooo a piece a candy oo a piece a candy oo a piece a candy oo a piece a candy oo a piece a candy!


The Nostalgia Critic talked about Sanford Scolex. He had a pretty cool idea, in the first film, Scolex should've been one of Claw's minions, and Claw is only a side character planned for sequels, like Blofeld in THUNDERBALL. And Scolex is a member of M.A.D.

