what's what?

I got a little confused near the end. The character Sarah or it might have been Monique kept saying over and over that they were already in Hell. Then it shows a clip of their car being hit by a train to support the in hell theory. Then next thing we know here's Sarah in a cloning lab.So what's up with the train? Did they make up a new ending at the last minute and forget to edit out the train?


Either that was a huge continuity error or the filmmaker was clumsily expressing the idea that the main characters in the film were, in fact, killed when their car ran into a train and that everything that happens in the film is the playing out of their nightmares in Hell, including the scenes with the indestructible devil woman, the government agents and the surreal shots of Sarah running through a tunnel. Regardless, For a no-budget film, "Hell's Highway" is mindlessly entertaining to the end.


thanks for the semi-clarification anyway. I was pretty confused myself. I actually talked to Phoebe Dollar myself once and not even she could explain the ending herself LOL. Because first they said Lucinda was a failed governmental experimentation by cloning that nurse who was "her", but then Sarah begged to differ by saying that they can't defeat her because she's the devil. And that's when one of her clones came out and (probably) killed them all.
