Snitchy nominations -- Best Exit

Y&S actors and actresses and our esteemed fans:

This is the place to nominate the Best Exit of Season 2. Please don't duplicate nominations; if your favorite scene is already nominated, it will be on the polls.

Y&S members, you don't have to nominate your own material here, we're just looking for the best of the exits.

... and awaaaay we go.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless



Helissande's death. I like the way Queenie wrote it and she is our first Y&S death. Her exit affected the whole plot...

And Figgy's death... because I choke up everytime I read it...

"We believed in people and life, and life and the people never let us down."


Draco's sudden departure to Malfoy Manor. Major curveball from Elle, but I liked it

Plus the deaths of Helissande, Figgy and Drago. Particularly Helissande, because she was our first death. (Although sadly not our last!)

Suz as Blaise, Fred, & Vespa Y&S



Um... *cough* Oliver flying himself into a comet. Good way to go. *cough* What?

Potions as Oliver Wood in the Y&S


Kian falling from a cliff into the mist below ... although not quite as final an exit as orginally planned, it was still a fairly impressive one.

Snape, Laetitia, et. al. leaving to hunt the vampires ... I just loved the anticipationary aspect of it.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless
