MovieChat Forums > 'Harry Potter': Behind the Magic (2001) Discussion > Snitchy nominations -- Most Poignant/Hea...

Snitchy nominations -- Most Poignant/Heartbreak ing Moment

Y&S actors and actresses and our esteemed fans:

This is the place to nominate the Most Poignant/Heartbreaking Moment of Season 2. Please don't duplicate nominations; if your favorite scene is already nominated, it will be on the polls.

Y&S members, you don't have to nominate your own material here, we're just looking for the best of what made you reach for the hankies.
... and awaaaay we go.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless


Um....*circles foot on the floor* Can I....Can I nominate Figgy's death and/or funeral? It's just that....I, um...I cried while writing them, so....just--just wondering....

I can't sleep in a room where there is an uneven shelf!


Whatever the case I'll second Ades vote.

Row row row your boat
gently down the street
merry merry merry merry
life is but a treat!



Oliver and Ginny in the Room of Requirement before Oli left ... when they each thought the other was a creation of the room. Quite bittersweet.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless



The rape of Alex/death of Colin flashback.

The rape of Alex by Teddy.

Draco's rejection of Blaise at the Yule Ball (shameless self-promotion? Yes. But bite me ).

When Tonks and Lupin finally slept together (maybe not so heartbreaking, but it was very poignant).

Fred and Angelina's reunion on the top of the Astronomy Tower (more shameless self-promotion).

Angelina telling Fred she was transferring to Durmstrang.

Parvati telling Sirius she wanted a divorce.

Fred and Padma's breakup.

Fred catching Angelina and Seamus at it.

And of course the deaths and subsquent funerals of Figgy, Helissande, and Dragomiroff.

Suz as Blaise, Fred, & Vespa Y&S



Just two things, (well, maybe three ):

NSM's last post. Where Snape had that really sweet moment with Tonks. I'll be putting it under sweetest momemt too, as I don't really know which one it should go into. Reni, perhaps a merging of the categories would be helpful since there are a lot of repeats in both.

My second last post. Where Oliver and Fire make up and talk for the last time. Yes, I know... but I cried, so... so there!

Draco's rejection of Blaise's profession of love. Damn you Suz! [shakefist3]

Potions as Oliver Wood in the Y&S


QG's last post:

Ginny holding the remains of Oliver's broom, being interrupted by Oliver's now healed little sister, the only reason he'd been forced to make the decision he made ...

Also, the contrast of the Halloween party at the 3B with the immediate death of Helissande.

Dunno if this has been mentioned, but the conversations between Figgy and Alex on Figgy's deathbed.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless
