MovieChat Forums > 'Harry Potter': Behind the Magic (2001) Discussion > Snitchy nominations -- Best Argument

Snitchy nominations -- Best Argument

Y&S actors and actresses and our esteemed fans:

This is the place to nominate the Best Argument of Season 2. Please don't duplicate nominations; if your favorite scene is already nominated, it will be on the polls.

Y&S members, you don't have to nominate your own material here, we're just looking for the best of the b!tching.

... and awaaaay we go.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless



Tonks and Rosmerta over the attack on Godfrey and the eventual filing of charges against Lupin.

Alex and Figgy over Sirius Black (any Alex and Figgy argument in fact).

Tonks and Remus over the latter's machismo.

"We believed in people and life, and life and the people never let us down."


Any 'nip' arguments.

Potions as Oliver Wood in the Y&S


Well since everyone's being so biased...

To be specific, Crooky and Roses 'nip argument.
(Reminding: Crooky's humiliation and major clueless rip offs)

Row row row your boat
gently down the street
merry merry merry merry
life is but a treat!


Fred and Angelina's breakup.

Sirius and Parvati in the 3B after Figgy got out of Azkaban.

All the little sexual-tension-filled rows Draco and Blaise have had

Lavender and George rowing over Ginny and Oliver.

Fred, George, Ron, and the rest of the Weasleys vs. Ginny

Fred, George, Ron, and the rest of the Weasleys vs. Oliver

All those snippy little bitchfights between Rosmerta and Tonks.

Fred and Lavender rowing about his feelings for Angelina when he was going out with Padma.

Suz as Blaise, Fred, & Vespa Y&S


There's been a few, but the initial Tonks/Snape argument in front of a load of people in Dumbledore's office stands out.

I also really liked the cool, catty Blaise/Pansy ones as well. There were a few, mostly short exchanges, but exactly how "women of breeding" would behave themselves.

TheMadFerret as Tonks
The Young and the Snitchless
