I personally am against Harry Potter. When I first heard about the books (around the time that the whole Harry Potter "craze" started) I wanted to get into it like many of the other people who were talking about it. However, when I talked to my mom about it she warned me against it.

Later on I saw a book at my church (I am Christian) called Harry Potter and The Bible, intrigued I decided to read it. I found the book very informing. I also found out that the Christian religion is strongly against Sorcery and Witchcraft.

The more I read into the book the more I also found out about the sources the author used to gain information for Harry Potter, many of them are direct links to the Occult. This all frightened me very much. I found out that Harry Potter is not simply innocent fun, it has real references to ancient witchcraft practices and sorcery. I hope that everyone who reads this looks more into what I am saying. It is truely evil material that people are dealing with. Don't laugh at what I am saying and dismiss it as nonsense, just look into it more.

Clearly The Bible says that witchcraft is evil:

"There shall not be found among you anyone who ...practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you." - Deut. 18:10-14

Aside from the fact that it promotes witchcraft Harry's BEHAVIOR during the film and in the books is not model behavior for children. He breaks set rules yet always seems to get out of punishment!! This sets bad examples for children, teaching them that rule breaking is fun and acceptable!

I hope this helps some of you out who were perhaps questioning the "innocence" of Harry Potter and even those who weren't. I also reccomend reading Harry Potter and the Bible. It really has a lot of good information.

I also found the following links to be useful:

http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/harrypotter.html - VERY GOOD PLEASE VIEW!!

The fact is, witchcraft is NOT a fantasy, it is a reality, it is really practiced by real people, who use spells etc.!! There is even a religion formed around witchcraft called Wicca!! Harry Potter just promotes this and encourages children and adults to turn away from God and to invistigate sinful things. Please don't let this happen to your children or you...put a stop to Harry Potter!!


Well, I guess we were about due for another "Harry Potter is Evil" thread.

rcgquestions, it is a shame that you have not read the books and just took the word of another person. Much of those places that you have quoted or told us to see are extremely biased and really have no clue as to the truth about Harry Potter. Yes, Harry is a wizard. However, the kind of wizard he is, is not true to our modern "witchcraft" (i.e. Wicca). I myself am a Christian and attented Lutheran school my whole life. I also have studied the occult, Wicca, and Satanism. So I think I am a pretty good judge as to what is evil. Harry Potter is not evil at all. There is a great message inside. How do you know about Harry's behavior and if he is punished or not? Did you read it for yourself or just take the word of some conservative fundamentalist (I'm guessing the latter)? You say that JKR took things from the occult and put them in her book. Well in the Bible it talks about Satan, witchcraft, murder, incest, etc. Should we all stop reading that because it has these types of subjects inside? You are mistaken about Wicca. They do not practice the same kind of "witchraft" that is used in the Harry Potter books. I don't really consider Wicca "witchcraft" at all and if you actually knew more about it you might feel the same way. Since you haven't even read Harry Potter how can you say "Harry Potter just promotes this and encourages children and adults to turn away from God and to invistigate sinful things." If you read the books for yourself you would know this is complete rubbish. At no time in the books does it say "forsake God and worship Satan". That is one of the most rediculous things I have heard (and I have heard a lot). What scares me more are the masses of people who do not think on their own and just blindly accept the words of another person.

Who crapped in your Cheerios today?


i cannot say that you are wrong and i cannot say that you are right but the thing is that harry potter is just a film you watch take the movie "scream 1,2,3" it shows children all aboutkilling and murder simply it was just maid to enertain people not to give examples bbut anywayz i cannot blame you to what you believe because our religon also told us about respecting other religons :)



I Am personally a HUGE fan! of HP! i'm a christian also! my mom warned me too! but she just told not to 'WORSHIP' Hp and still belive in god!that's the piont YOU CAN enjoy harry potter you just can't worship him and put him before god! that's my advice to you!


I was a catholic, and became atheist after i lost my faith and could'nt find it in lost and found. Personally... PERSONALLY i dont beleive in any thing the bible in Catholic religion considering it has about 500 verses on prayer, LESS then 500 on faith, and over 2000 on money and posessions, and 12 suicides,I dont feel it has any right to dictate what a person reads.
If any on wants to argue against violence, if they were to ban the Harry Potter Books and movies, then they should ban almost every book, movie, and television show. Every thing is violent, and im not knocking disney but their some of their movies are so violent its not funny. There arent many disney movies out where there isnt some source of abuse/violence wether it be physical or psychological, or death. i mean think about, "Finding Nemo"; the mom died, and wait he disobeyed the father!!! he touched the butt... oops I mean boat. Bambie; the mom died. Snow white; she was poisoned, Cinderella; she was verbally abused, ohh and she disobeyed her mother by going to the ball. Dont even get me started on the Lion King , theres so much violence in that its not even funny. Hey you can even ban power Puff girls and loony toons while your at it.
Im a 16 year old die hard "Harry Potter" fan, and pesonally i think if a person is redaing it shouldnt matter whats its about, at least they're reading.
RCGquestions, im not going against your religion im just putting what i personally feel. Just remember that every one has their own opinions and theres always going to be someone who will contest with what you say.

"Bad Squishy! Bad squishy"


I totally see where you are coming from. I do disagree with you. Don't jump to conclusions that i worship the devil or whatever because i am very far from worshiping the devil. i go to church everyweek and i go to the youth group at my chuch every week and at the same time i love harry potter. i see how you think it supports witchcraft and wizardry and technically it does. but the books and movies are just there to entertain people! J.K. rowling is not forcing people to become witches and promote socery or even believe in wicca! There is no reason for people to be soo totally against harry potter because they are just fiction books!! i totally think its cool to have your own opinion! if you dont wanna read the harry potter books or watch the movies by all means dont but its not up to you to stop harry potter forever! i think it should be everyones seperate decision! It would be different if schools were teaching the books in their schools but they arent!!


i laughed hysterically throughout the reading of your post. i have nothing critical to say whatsoever, just thought i'd let you know... *is an atheist*



Alright, right now I am bubbling with rage at what you've claimed about Harry Potter.
If you haven't figured it out it's MAKE BELIEVE! IT ISN'T REAL!Have you ever met someone who said to you "Harry Potter changed my life, I thing I'll go of and do some sacxrificial magic by following the instructions in the satanical bible". I, personally, have not.
Harry Breaks rules for the greater good in those books, if you'd have given them a chance instead of disecting them saying "Oh my goodness, By writing about this teenage boy who's saving an imaginary world from an imaginary villan she's trying to lead children to do terrible things." Have you any idea how riddiculous your claims are.
Trying to revert children from reading, by the way, isn't a very pleasent thing to do Ms/Mr.Christian. Those books helped me to start reading and have developed my skills beyond imagination. I have nothing but sheer gratitude tword Ms.Rowling for helping me.
You should be ashamed. You underestimate children, they know it isn't real just like they know that stories about Aladin and flying carpets aren't real (Unless you have a problem with Aladin too, which probably means you have problems with alot of movies come to think of it.)
Anyway, I clearly disagree with you and I hope you take what I say to heart because it's a sin (pun not intended) that you'd miss out on such a wonderful series because of your false beleifs. By the way, I'm christian too.
--A furious Harry Potter Fan


i just thought that i would comment on your posting. I did not care for the harry potter books nor did i know that they even existed until the goblet of fire came out in stores. i didnt even read the harry potter books until right around the time that the first film came out. once i read the first one, i was literally hooked on it. i loved it and felt that it was pure imagination that was driving the story. thats all it is in essence. the idea of the world that is harry potter is a beautiful creation from one person's IMAGINATION.
i read the harry potter and the bible book, which actually was a gift from one of my family members. they were concerned about my reading of the harry potter books, thinking that they were evil. i tried reading the book with an open mind, especially since i was already a huge fan of the hp series, but could not really fathom as to why someone would complain about a book they barely read. they saw the top layer of the book. the idea of witchcraft scared the author of hp and the bible and he wrote it for people who have not read and experienced the series.
if you want to check out some things that are written by christians and SUPPORT harry potter, read God, the Devil and Harry Potter by John Killinger and/or What's a Christian to do with Harry POtter? by Connie Neal. I suggest that you read those along with the books before taking the advice of one writer.

by the way, i am saved, go to church regularly and i know what is evil and what is not. i look at the series as a form of literary genius and not as evil incarnate.


i must say that poeple like you give christains a bad name. you are so closed minded you dont care about other religions. i'm not saying that harry potter is all innocent but if people always looked at things in terms such as good and evil, we would live in a very *beep* up world. excuse my french.
i like harry potter and i love god. i dont think god is going to hate or kill us if we take a look at the old ways. because that the way things were before we christains took over the world.
the old religion has done some terrible things but so have the church. we are not so innocent and so mightly that we have the right to say what is good and what is evil.
sometimes people that read the bible forget that god is a loving and forgiving god. he does not hate. he is everything that is good in the world and makes us happy.
everytime there is something that the church doesnt agree with they say it is evil. but that doesnt make it so.


I don't know wether I believe in God or not, but I certainly believe it is out of order to slate off other ppl's religions. I was christened as a Christian, although I rarely go to church. I read the books and loved them, but that dosen't mean I automatically have the right to have a go at the starter of this topic just because they believe differently


Okay, people- Harry Potter is make believe, and there is nothing in it that is bad. In my experiences with people who are anti-Harry Potter, NONE of them have actually read the books! They have no clue what is in the books, and therefore can't have a solid opinion on them. If they would read the books, I believe they would come to realize this. I am a Roman Catholic, and I am an avid Harry Potter fan. In my opinion, the only thing that these books have done is get more children to read. there is NOTHING wrong with that.
