Wooo i got attacked by them!

hey came to my school in Leeds last thursday and we had to do this crazy Ophelia's alter ego and seein as though there were only three people in the 1/4 of the audience i was sitting in, they decided to all pick on me.....twas fun, would definitaley go and see it again. Wow, hilarious, stronglty recommend it to well, anyone.

This time i've really lost my mind and i don't care....


I saw them in my town a while ago. My friends and I were sitting on the front row. It was hilarious! One guy "threw up" on one of us, and when my friend and I were rolling around with laughter during the "To be or not to be" speach, he accused us of laughing AT him etc.
At one point the actors all cracked up during "Romeo and Juliet". One of the actors does this thing where he changes costumes constantly to play both the mother and the father. At one point he was wearing the fathers costumes, but still had the prostetic boobs on.
"Father!...Mother...? Father...?"
"Luke, I am your father..."
I hope I get a chance to see then again some time! It was simply great!

So you thought you could escape my fortress? Not so fast!


lol, I think you are mistaking Hamlet for Romeo and Juliet with the "Cross dressing dane"


My sister went to a performance of this in Souix City, and she was the only person laughing during the "To Be or Not to be" bit. Thus, they guy playing Hamlet singled her out, and the other guys in the troupe tried to calm him down, saying "She's probably stoned." or something like that. :D

"Pod People"


i just saw it last night and the people in the front row were totally abused one guy wasnt joining in so the whole way through the play one of the actors kept screaming in his face and the one that always plays the woman stole some ladies handbag and started sitting ontop of ppl in the front row bouncing on their laps, not to mention the throwing up and water being spat at them,
it was fantastic!!!!


They came to your school?! I'm so jealous. Me and a friend are trying to get them here.

I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy--Fred Krueger, Nightmare On Elm street


yeah i saw it and one of the actors kept hitting on me...it was really funny. he also noticed that it was the second time i had seen the group perform it and was like "if you tell anybody what happens i'm gonna kill you."

now i'm gonna be putting it on and directing at my college...i'm pretty psyched.

"How much more black could it be?" And the answer is, "None. None more black.
