4/10 ...

I'm a little surprised at the rating this movie got on IMDB, but at the same time not that surprised at all ... I really wanted to like this movie or at least watch something that was decent, but ended up disappointed. I'm not bashing this movie since it's not "awful", but it was far-fetched silliness accompanied by cheesy music that seemed to be wanting to appeal to females - usually I'm a big fan of Hong Kong movies and accept movies that have credibility issues because we have to understand that it's the idea that counts the most... but I couldn't even bother to finish watching it because I simply did not care for the female characters enough to spend more than a half hour of watching it. I liked the investigator lady whose personality was comedic and serious, cool and smart, but it wasn't enough to hold my attention for too long. the romantic relationship between Shu Qi's character and her love interest was overbearing. it was like a propaganda for woman: be Strong, but be VERY SWEET and run your cute tush around in cute little underwear while your equally pretty female friend sexily teases you or hits with a pillow of course it's good for young boys and helping them discover their heterosexuality while having a little dose of bad-assness and for females to have a little does of romanticism... but of course seriousness aside i tried to look at it as a romantic/fiction/comedy/action/thriller/etc/etc/etc/etc...

Anyway i didn't expect it to be in the same lead as some other movies i severely enjoyed before... like Flashpoint, Shamo, the Moss, etc etc TOO many to name... but the 30 to 40 minutes weren't too awful, just not for <--- this female.


can't outrun your own shadow



Suck on it.

I have it in my home theater library.
