The last fight

I´m just curious: I liked this film a lot, but I didn´t get it, how
the bad guy in the end really died: I mean, these two girls where
(sort of) standing on each other, and zhao wei had this bamboo
stick. Did she impale him? Did Karen Mok stab him? Or is the western
edition cut?


Bad guy's sword got stuck inside the bamboo earlier.
Karen Mok did stab him but it was the one from above (inside the bamboo) that finished him.


Ah yes, I seem to have missed this detail, have to see it again. :)


Does anyone know the name of the bad guy? The one who got stabbed with the bamboo I mean.


Yasuaki Kurata (the Master).


That guy was freakin' awesome. That last sword fight scene helped put the movie over the top for me.
