
does anyone know if there is any possibilty of a sequel? i really hope som i loved this movie so much, the only problem is that they wouldnt have the whole cast back for certain reasons. i will be so bummed if there is no sequel, and it better have the same actors vack! please tell me if thtere is any possibility of this happening.

also all of the girls;shu qi, karen mok, and zhao wei are all gorgeous! (no pun intended)


Don't think their will be a sequel that's not really something the asian movie industry do, happens but it's kind of rare and honnestly I don't wan't a sequel of it, I rather see another named movie with stylish combats and a new story by the same producer then a sequel that will probably not be as good as this one.

We don't live. We survive


can't really have a sequel without Shu Qi. Maybe a prequel.

If you can't have fun doing something, why are you doing it?-me


Asian cinema not doing sequals? They're rare? I am kind of wondering where you have been. No offense meant, maybe you have just had a very certain kind of movie experience from China especially. HK is *known* for its sequals, many times nothing more than a non related movie with a "part two" tagged onto it. For example you have the "god of gamblers" series, "Better tomorrow," "Chinese Ghost Story," "Once upon a time in China," "Police Story" and a whole slew of others. On top of this they tend to bring back actors whose character's died. In A Better Tomorrow, CYF's character died, so they brought in his *twin* in the second movie and then maybe a prequal because there was money to be made in a third one but CYF's character died *again* in two so they had to predate the 3rd one and the 4th and 5th one have very little to do with the original story. I am not knowing the technique, I kinda wish the US would do the 'sequal in name only' concept more than beating the first story to death in try sequals. I just thought it was funny when I read the comment about asia not doing sequals (also look at ring in japan, ring 2 and ring 0 are really reaching where the original story is concerned).

Have a great night all

PS. I truly don't mean any offense to you Dead, different experiences are probably to blame.


I truly think they should leave it alone. Why bother with a sequel! This one stands alone as a classic. A sequel will most likely cheapen it!
Buy the DVD and enjoy it over and over again.


If there were ever a sequel, it must go like this-

Shu Qi return for no reason, they are all reincarnated, it is a different story with the same title and a 2 at the end, or the continuation of their family tree. Maybe even the lone adventures of Zhao Wei's character. I would just prefer the 'different story all together" concept.

Blood and Chocolate
