MovieChat Forums > Chik yeung tin si (2002) Discussion > Since my comments never got posted....

Since my comments never got posted....

.....I'll say it here:
So Close is a horrible, horrible movie. Dull, CGI heavy, terrible acting (even by HK action movie standards).


This is not a horrible movie. Ballistic:Ecks vs sever and Jean Claude Van Damn movies are horrible "So CLose" is top quality HK cinema. Believe me, Vicky Zhao, Karen Mok and even Shu Qi do excellent acting jobs (DO NOT JUDGE BY THE ENGLISH DUB!!!) I mean, I would not give them any Oscar nominations but this is an action flick and these chicks can act. This is not "CGI heavy" as mentioned above by secretKing. JarJar Binks, Smeagle, Terminator 3, Jurassic Park Dinasours or any CGI(Computer Generated Imagery)heavy effects are not in this film. CGI is used for satelite special effects, bullets, computer screen images and used to edit wiring stunts but other than that it's straight wire kung-fu, guns and car chases...even bits of drama. The fighting sequences can be compared to those of the Matrix and especially Charlie's Angels because of the use of slow motion and camera effects...these ladies perform their stunts gracefully (like Trinity from the Matrix). But they're way below the quality of a Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh or even Zhang ZIyi when it comes to hand fighting. If you liked the action of Charlie's Angels, you should definately enjoy this but believe me Shu Qi's and Vicky Zhao's characters are far from angels...more like assasins. Very entertaining!


i agree. great movie. if you want to see a horrible film, go watch R.S.V.P. now that is is a horrible excuse for a movie.


Well I just saw So Close it's not a masterpiece but it's a very nice and well made movie and very entertaining, I don't understand how you can say it's horrible especially when you see the late US crap like the sequels of Matrix and charlie's angels or even the famous Kill Bill is far from this quality. Perhaps not all actors aren't great but honnestly saying terrible acting when Qi Shu is present well then you probbaly didn't see the same movie or saw the US dubbed (that are pros of translation destuction).
Only reason I can see is that you are quiet anti asian movies, that's fine with me but then don't give such comments especially 1 little line, because I can put that same line for over 75% of the US movies and I am being nice with 75%.

We don't live. We survive



This movie is really badass. the action is great, the acting is good and the girls are hot. the english dubbing isn't great, but if you get the dvd, you can remove it.

<--Don't Be Gay In God's House-->


no offense but just because s/he took the liberty of crtiticizing ONE ridiculous Asian movie, it doesn't automatically mean that s/he is anti-Asian movies. what does his/her opinion have to do with being anti-Asian films? besides, SC truly is ridiculous anyway. the trouble with you people is that you jump into conclusions too quickly.

"LOVE is a game only fools can win..."


It's melodramatic but that's expected from a lot of Asian films. The fight scenes were cheesy and the slow motion got really old. Qi Shu is good to look at but she can't act worth beans. She's just a mannequin. Her acting was worse in The Transporter but maybe coz she had to speak English. What was horrible was the music. Overall, I agree there are many worse films, but this one does not live up to all the hype.


By any standard, So Close is an ultra slick action flick! I think it easily gives Tarantino's Kill Bill a run for its money.
I don't know how you could have found this piece dull or even horrible. You must have watched the dubbed English version; sometimes the dubbing could really detract from the film because no matter how they try, the dubbing seldom matches the lip movements properly and rarely conveys the correct meaning to the original dialogue.


No wonder your comments never get posted... Maybe it's because your words hold no water. Why don't you try explaining yourself as to why is was so horrible? "Dull, CGI Heavy, and Terrible Acting," doesn't really sum anything up. All that states is that you can't get into a simple plot, hate CGI, and could never realize what good or bad acting is when you don't speak the native language of the script. Maybe you should just stick to stage productions on Broadway since they are never dull with all of the "kickass" music, have absolutely NO CGI, and of course have such great actors who speak your own language and make no money because if they did, they would be labeled sell-outs. Slater King!


"I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge :-)"


i'm with ya, secretKing. i agree with you and in my opinion, this movie is just way over-the-top to make up for its shallow plot and cheesy slow-motion action sequences with actresses that looked like they were "trying too hard" to execute the action sequences. from the opening scene, i can already tell that this movie is stupid. deal with it! my apologies to all the fans.

"LOVE is a game only fools can win..."


strange, cause I especially liked the parts with the music ...

I love this movie, but hey, I'm a fan of the Girls with Guns movies :o)
