
Did anyone cry when Karen watched the video of her sister apologizing? I rented this with my ex because I have a thing for assassin movies. But when I watched that scene, it was genuinely the first time that I actually cried outloud with tears pouring out. Did this happen to anyone else or am I just a big baby lol?


i did cry too...and i saw this during school! all the girls in the viewing room were like sobbing and wailing..oh wells..i did like this movie..


I cried on that scene too! I love the character who dies, and that scene is just heartbreaking. =(


Yup it was a really emotional scene. Zhao Wei was pretty good in this scene. And it's Sue, NOT Karen.

"I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad."


I know this sounds kinda twisted, but i think her death kinda set this movie apart from others. It was so unexpected... So cleverly done though!

I was sat on my bed thinking, here we go, another kung-fu type movie, the bad guys will get the asses kicked, and then the main characters will take some kinda stance with swords pointed forward and wind blowing their hair forwards, but when that happened, i paused my dvd, sat up straight and was like, woah, wasnt expecting that. Then she carried on trying to help her sister, and when she got hit for the second time, i was like, nope cant be good..

The movie took a pretty visious twist that i totally wasnt expecting, which took it from, dvd to trade in, to dvd that stays in my collection!

Wilson - "i'm not on antidepresents, i'm on speed!"
