Where can I find this?

It seems like an interesting thing to watch; does anyone know if it went to video, when it first aired, what channel, etc? Thanks for any help.


the omen dvd


It's not on my Omen DVD. Didn't make it to the Region 4 edition?

"Your views are as narrow as your tie."
- Bernard Herrmann


my omen dvd is region 4 and has the documentary


You'll find "The Omen Legacy"-DVD at amazon (for example) :


Is it any good, or another "horror" like'The Awakening'?


I found this used at my local music store. It's excellent, it has info about all the different Omen movies and all the strange things that happened on set. It gives the full story of how it began, very interesting. You can also find this in The Omen boxset. I highly reccomend this to any fan.

I never had PMS, but I had a BMW.


Hi there. I have just finished watching THE OMEN LEGACY on a DVD that I rented from Netflix. If you love movies, you should consider subscribing to Netflix, a rental service for DVD's only (no VHS tapes). The website is <<www.netflix.com>>.

THE OMEN LEGACY documentary was made in 2001. It contains some background info on, and lots of clips from, all three feature films, as well as the TV movie OMEN IV: THE AWAKENING. It even talks about a pilot for a network series that never came to fruition, apparently because said series was more like POLTERGEIST than THE OMEN! I recommend THE OMEN LEGACY, as it does conjure up a few creeps.

Hope this helps. Take care.


I watched this on TV about 2 nights ago, damn i wish i taped it, it was so good.


Anyone know if this will be on the new dvd edition of The Omen (1976) that is due out soon? I have the boxed set of all The Omen movies and "The Omen Legacy" is not part of this set.


"The Omen Legacy" documentary is included on the new R1 2-disc Collector's Edition DVD.


I saw it on The Biography Channel in the UK yesterday. Think they've shown it before so they'll probably show it again at some point.
