
I am a big Kevin Smith fan but I have kept myself from seeing this movie mainly cuz Jay and Silent Bob aren't in it, but I was wondering for anyone who has seen this:

Is it worth seeing?

I saw part of it and it was ok, and mainly cuz I don't like Ben Boring Affleck, and cuz Chasing Amy is my least favorite of any of his movies, I just haven't paid to rent or buy.


Well, from the sounds of it, you'll be one of those people who bitches about it not being any good because it doesn't have Jay & Bob in it. So, you're probably best off leaving this movie on the shelf.

If you do have an open mind, and can appreciate something a little more sentimental and human from the mind of Kevin Smith, you might find this movie to actually be quite refreshing. I've been a huge Smith fan for years, and I have to say that this movie does not deserve the beating it's gotten over the past three/four years.

Do you know where you are? You're in the corn-rows baby, you're gonna die!


I'll be a little more tactfull about this with my answer. If you are a true Kevin Smith fan, you need to see his movies without Jay and Silent Bob. If you want him to be making movies 20 years from now, you need to see his movies without Jay and Silent Bob. The only way he will have longevity to his career is without Jay and Silent Bob. Seriously, do you want to see Kevin Smith movies 20 years from now? Can you really see Jay and Silent Bob 20 years from now? Please, do yourself and Kevin Smith a favor and release him from Jay and Silent'll be worth it in the long run. Trust me.


I was mainly asking if it was funny... i like Kevin Smith no matter what. I read Daredevil comics just cuz he wrote them and trust me... jay and bob would ruin that.


All i can say is, it's the complete opposite to Jay and Silent Bob. It's a 'lovely' film as opposed to a 'effin hilarious' one like J&SB.

Alice: This coffee tastes like poopie sh!t
