MovieChat Forums > Jersey Girl (2004) Discussion > i hope jlo gets ran over

i hope jlo gets ran over

seriously, she can't act, she can barely sing. all her music sounds the same. she just overall sucks. all she has going for her i guess is her ass, but i'd rather just *beep* a hot black chick like rosario dawson.


STFU you ass, she was barely in this damn movie for 10 minutes. And she was the best thing in this movie if you ask me.


I cant believe she got paid 4 million to be in the movie for 10 mins


4 million? damn that is alot! i dont understand the whole jlo bashing thing, i mean i have no take on her because she just simply dosnt interest me but why does everyone hate her so much? just out of curiosity

"Some men just like to watch the world burn!"


Hey I'm curious too! It's like they make a living hating all these STRANGERS who are just trying to make a living and not bothering anyone. They don't have to see her if they don't want, no one's forcing them.




I've got two more words for you -
Diva and Fur



WHAT THE *beep*?!


I doubt that about the 4 million. I don't really like Jlo, although for someone to hope she gets run over, I think is very sad and sick. The world has a way of dealing with people like you. You better be prepared.


definately, well said, im not a fan, so all i say is thank god she wasnt in it much, i never wish ill upon her...lots of people like her stuff, she seems like a nice enough person, im just not a fan of hers!!

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you



thats one word...




Jesus, people really need to get over the J.Lo being in the movie thing, it's a great movie and J.Lo was awesome in the 15 mins that she was in!!

Get over it!

Alice: This coffee tastes like poopie sh!t


I HATE Lopez, but the 15 minutes she was in the movie, she was pretty good. I still hate her, but I try not to cloud my judgement from pretty good and funny acting.

I'm glad she died though, because I probably would've gotten sick of her...

Never misjudge the most faithful
heart of your beloved. Forever yours, forever mine, forever us.


Apparently she was originally in the movie for longer, but after she and Ben broke up Kevin Smith edited out a lot of her scenes out so he could lessen the awkwardness of their relationship.



i hope jlo gets none more film roles..

and also gets ran over.

"Your acting was reckless and it put us all in danger!"


jennifer is amazing! so screw you, you have no good taste!




I'm lucky enough to never have seen Gigli, so I'm not sure of her acting skills in other movies, but I actually really liked her in this. She played the part really well.


Yeah she was not bad in this movie at all...
but I agree she's generally a terrible actor.

I dunno how she managed to get 4 million for her 15 min appearance though
(then again I wouldn't have given 10 million to Affleck either.....)


I don't hate J-lo, but I don't care for her.
She can't act, she can't sing and she really isn't that hot without all the make-up.
She does have a huge ass though, whoopsie do.
Angel Lola Luv has a far more impressive as, hell so does Kim K.


I hate her because I am very susceptible to peer pressure, can't form or hold opinions of my own, and like to ride on bandwagons.


I wouldn't really call it bandwagons,
she hasn't produced anything of any real quality in a very long time,
I would think that Out of Sight is probably the only film that she was in with any substance.

She's everything that's wrong with this celebrity culture that we have currently,
big name but very little talent,
it's not suprising that people don't like her.




Rosario Dawson isn't black. She's Latina/Native American/Irish.


She's Afro-Latina, so she's at least half black.


And I hope YOU (OP) get to English class before you are old enough to apply for a job so we won't have to support another illiterate bum with our tax dollars.

Have a nice day!

