MovieChat Forums > I Capture the Castle (2003) Discussion > What really ruined this movie. . .

What really ruined this movie. . .

The two actors who played the Americans were just not in the same league as the British cast. Even the little brother outshines Thomas and Blucas. It was very hard to believe either of the sisters, played so well by Garai and Byrne, would find those guys attractive, first of all. Henry Thomas was fine as a kid in ET, but there's a reason he didn't become a success as an adult actor. And Marc Blucas belongs on TV series, period.

They really should've cast Henry Cavill as one of the leads. When he's on the screen he makes his presence felt. Why is it the Brits produce so many talented young male actors while we don't? We certainly have our share of talented young actresses.


I have to agree. I was disappointed. I like Marc Blucas, but, unfortunately, I just found Henry Thomas creepy I'm afraid and not right for a romantic lead. Henry Cavill stole the film and deserved a better role in it and I kept hoping Stephen would end up with Cassie


The US has "fine male actors"; too bad none of them were cast in this film.


Cavill filled the role perfectly and likely he was picked precisely for it. He was supoosed to be this hunk who looked like all the Greek gods in one. He was hot and handsome yet he loved boring ole Cassandra and she had nothing for him. But she loved Simon and of course well we know how it turns out. She wasn't just having the hots for the most handsome guy, she didn't even want to be in love at all. Yet she liked Simon for his compassion and intelect and intrigue. She liked him for his character not looks. So again Stephen/Cavill worked great in his roll.

Neil well yeah he was odd. But fitting for the uppity sister. I think he overacted a bit but maybe he was emulating American actors of that time period it sems fitting in that regard.
