Australian DVD Release

hey all

i have noticed that the australian dvd release says that it is an Extended Version with a running time of 176 minutes.

has anyone seen this? does anyone know if it s a typo on the packaging?


for reference here is the ezydvd listing

If you're not careful, you'll get us all whacked. Ha ha. Body in a woodchipper.


It is either a typo (possibly by adding the timings for the film as well as the extras) or they have both the original cut and the re-edited version.
I know the rental release in Australia was the shorter, re-edited version.
The Australian distributor doesn't have any additional information about this release.


I just got word back from Eagle Entertainment that is distributing the film in Australia/NZ. The DVD contains the early version as released in Russia/Germany/Brazil plus extras, the timing given is the combined running time of both film and extras.


It's apparrently a 2-discer, so I'm assuming it has both versions?

Has anyone watched it to verify?

"Oh, I did my thesis on life experience." - Anonymous Harvard Guy, The Simpsons.


One disc only, it only contains the longer version plus the behind the scenes extras as Eagle Entertainment explained in their e-mail to me. It does not have both versions.


Ah, okay. The shorter version was terrible anyway.

"Oh, I did my thesis on life experience." - Anonymous Harvard Guy, The Simpsons.
