about 'Si se puede'

about that. I'm reading all the boards that peeps r saying that si se puede doesn't mean yes i can. Actually it kinda does. "si se puede" can mean yes it's possible, yes it can, or yes i can. It's because spanish can't be translated exactly into english. Ther's really just other ways u can say it in english. So about the goofs, their wrong, and all the arguements r wrong also. I asked my mom if si se puede means yes i can. She said yeah pretty much but's there's other ways u can say it also (i'm latina and my mom and dad r billingual). So yeah my mom pretty much knows everything about spanish.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone


If you want a literal translation, take it from someone in Spanish IV. Actually, it's 'si' with an accent mark... the one without means if... but puede is a conjugation of poder, which means 'to be able to'. the 'se' is reflexive, but if it's meant to be 'yes i can' then it should be 'si me puede'. 'si se puede' means 'yes you can'.

"Peace! I will stop your mouth."


I actually doesn't. I'm hispanic too and I can see how you get that "Si se puede" means "yes I can". It can be used that way but it's wrong. As a team chant it's fine but you can't tell a non-spanish speaking person that "Si se puede" means "Yes I can" because it doesn't. In reality all the arguments are valid because "Si se puede" means "it's possible" NOT "yes I can."

~Everything doesn't happen for a reason. We hope there is a reason for everything happening ~


It appears that the majority of the cast are of Spanish decent and potentially know the language. If it really was that big of an issue, it would have been corrected in the original script. Thus, it's not a big deal.


Yes, it's not that big a deal, but the grammatical construction means, "Yes, it can be done."


'Sí, (yo) puedo' is the correct Spanish translation of 'Yes, I can'. I live in Mallorca, Spain, and that error bugged me during the film.

