
I love this film. No, it doesn't have stand out special effects, no sex, little violence...it IS well written, well directed, and well cast. I loved Johnny Lee Miller in Plunkett & Macleane, and Andy Serkis is a fantastic performer. I'm surprised this went straight to video, but when you got big American studios churning out cinemtaic excrement like Jackass: The Movie, it doesn't really leave room at the british cinema, for british films.

This film will not leave you blown away, sexually aroused, or wantign to rush out and buy the merchandise, but it's a film that keeps you enthralled, and touches the old heart trings in a few places aswell. The bittersweet ending is also very well done.



Football, isn't it. small boys, jumpers for goal posts...marvelous!!



I loved this film as well. I'm from Canada and I found a used copy for sale on dvd for $10. I'm a huge fan of both Andy and Johnny Lee Miller so it was worth $10 for my collection even if I didn't like it. I did enjoy it very much! I was wondering where it was filmed? It looked like Scotland to me but I wasn't sure...anyone know?



Yeah, it was intense. It was filmed in Ireland.


Ahhhh...Ireland. I was close! :) Thanks for the information.

Take care,


Yes it's Ireland, my uncle - Laurence Foster - is in it, which to be honest, is the main reason I decided to watch it.


Just a lot of shouting.

