MovieChat Forums > Brève traversée (2002) Discussion > Sarah, where can I find you?

Sarah, where can I find you?

I'm absolutely bonkers over this damsel's eyes in "Brief Crossing" ... the most expressive pools of emotion I've seen in many, many years. Where did this morsel come from? My Google search turned up Sarah Pratt, PhD at USC and Sarah Pratt, owner of a shipping company in Camden, New Jersey of all places. Somehow I doubt if either are the beloved Sarah I'm searching for. A IMBd bio is non-existant. Help, help please! I'm near comotose over her! Has anyone found any biographical sources? Any photo libraries? Perhaps, god help me, an agent's name that could provide more info? And her nationality ... English (maybe)? French (don't think so)? American? Aussie? Name (is S.P. a nom de guerre)? We all have to lobby with the powers that be to see more of her film work?

Thx and cheers to all.
