MovieChat Forums > All the Real Girls (2003) Discussion > Please answer: Why doesn't Noel come bac...

Please answer: Why doesn't Noel come back to Paul in the end?

She says she loves him and everything, but why did se walk away in that scene outside of her house?


hey, thanks for the spoiler warning



Cause the movie is real and doesn't just fall into the happy ending ... I love it for it. Sometimes things change everything and you can't go back to the way you exactly felt before. That's sometimes real life ... you love someone but it just doesn't work out. This is one of the most beautiful, genuine films I've seen.


I've watched this movie a few times and I never got the impression that their relationship ended.
He comments made me think that although their relationship was not perfect, they still had strong feelings for each other.
The only obstacle they had to get over was his anger about her sleeping with that guy.
I think she walked away because the ball is in his court. If he could get overe that anger, he could go back to her and she would welcome him.

I may be wrong, but not once did I think it was over.


Hmmmm. perhaps so....Did the creepy guy that she was sleeping with (the one who was at her house and they were making macaroni and cheese when Paul came over, I forget his name) break up with her and start dating someone else (there was a scene at the bowling alley where he was with someone else and then we see her alone on the swings).
I never understood why she told Paul about her experience at the party anyway. That was just dumb. How did she figure that Paul would deal with that?

"I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally"


Mona Lisa, I may be cognitively challenged, but I think you have made a grave error in judging the friend with the classic hair as the one she had coitus with. It was the guy with the glass of wine in his hand at the party she went to. Maybe I missed something, but that's who she slept with, and main-character-guy is just mad that she's spending so much time with weird-hair guy.


Uh, can we just refer to the weird-hair guy by his real name which just so happens to be Bust-Ass (or Tracy when he was referred to in the film as a *beep* d*ck"), and, yeah, Noel definitely didn't sleep with him. I'd bet she would rather sleep with a preacher.


What a good quote- "who would you sleep with more, me or a preacher?"



seen the Big Lebowski recently or what?

"I have moments..."


She wasn't sleeping with Bust-Ass! What made you think that?!


because that's not how life works. it's not a fairy tale.


Finally, a film that treats relationships w/ honesty!
No pat reconciliation, no two-second outburst then
all is forgiven, no "we'll get thru this" in half a
minute or less. We're all adults.
Sometimes actions have irreversible consequences.
She loses her virginity to some stranger,
& he has to figure out a way to handle that.
Whether he does or not, cannot possibly be resolved
immediately, although most movies would have you believe
its so. Remorse, regret, anger, pain, recrimination,
etc. All REAL emotions which tend to be minimized, and
ignored in mainstream H'wood dramas.
Ok, someone will be "upset" at betrayal-
but it usually lasts one scene. And the resolution, and
aftermath are never addressed.
Thank heavens for a real movie, w/ realistic scenarios,
& reactions.
It's sad that we have to search far & wide to find
something like this!


she was tired of being a virgin and hooked up with the town de-virginator, she had no intention of settling down with him. Unfortunately, he was trying to change, at first for his friend's sake, later because he actually took the time to get to know his partner.


I disagree, I don't think he ever intended to change. meeting her affected him, look how he treated all the other girls UNTIL he met her. He never said he wanted to treat women better, he said he didn't want to treat HER the way he'd treated the others. Getting his heart broken gave him a taste of what he'd been doing to his previous gfs, hence the drunken discussion with the ex-gf waitrees in the bar. And Noel did come back to him, at least twice. At the very end of the movie she was leaving it up to him whether or not he came back to her, and that she was still there for him if he did.



I agree with your comments, except I don't know that she had any intentions, one way or the other, regarding staying with him or not.

She was young, rather flaky, she wanted to experience life, she obviously wanted him to sleep with her fairly early on, and she just wasn't mature enough to realize that he was in a different headspace about the sexual component of their relationship, much less true commitment.

And, he really was expecting too much from her in that regard.

"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."


Well, the fact that Paul's hand is bandaged up in one of the first scenes, even though he punched the glass at the end...well it leads me to believe a lot of the movie is shuffled around chronilogically. Therefore, if u look back and piece the movie together with the "bandage theory," it looks like there might be hope afterall. Kind of brilliant.


Yeah, but her hair was long, so her hair would have had to grow in fully before his hand healed, which seems unlikely.


Well I only saw part of it but it sounds like she was way too good for him. I wouldn't bet on him changing either, I wouldn't give him a chance.

Hey! It's just like that movie Cruel Intentions, same deal. I didn't buy Sebastian's "transition" in that.


The movie focuses on a comuppance (sp?) for Paul, the womanizer, but it's delivered by a woman, Noel, who turns out to be about as relationship challenged as he is. The relationship I saw developing on the screen was one in which Paul becomes the yo-yo that Noel draws to her hand then tosses out, then draws in. This is not, if you're romantically inclined, a pretty picture of romance in action. If we see the sequel it'll show this process going on, maybe even with Noel married to Bust Ass, and Paul drifting into deeper states of alcoholism or some other form of crippling dependency (his tendency toward this is well established) as he is drawn in then tossed out.


becuase shes a whore


This is a reply to all of those people that kept on saying that she was putting the ball in his court. I'm sorry but incase you didn't notice he got all dressed up and went to her front door(which if I understood correctly was out of character for his character) just to talk to her. I'm pretty sure that the original plan might have been to make up with her or to go to the next step in healing the relationship. Know I understand that life isn't a movie but I think we are to assume that she is sleeping with the creepy guy( creepy guy does tell the main character that he would so do her if he was dating her, besides she is no longer a virgin.)So even though she said all that stuff to him I still think that she is the one causing the roadblock on healing, besides the one night stand thing with main character guy didn't seem to help his mental state. I think he still has some maturing to do...he (to me) just didn't seem all that mature yet through out the film . Then again most younger twenty somethings still have some maturing to do I guess. I will say I like the film okay like in the way I like closer, but closer had way better pacing....this film was like too slow...if I had found something better watch I probably wouldn't have finished it.


i thought the film was great.

yeah, imdb assumes she was sleeping with bust-ass. i didn't see it like that. i think at the end when you see him with long curly haired girl in the bowling alley, it's supposed to give him a girl finally but noel was never that girl.

it's pretty ridiculous to ask why they didn't get back together. why aren't you back together with the first person you dated? it's because you were young and awkward and it was great, but it all became a mess and once it's there, you can't go back and pretend it isn't.

that's the good stuff about this movie. it recognizes that first love is a trip, but it's awkward and everybody makes mistakes. it covered that perfectly.
