MovieChat Forums > Project Greenlight (2001) Discussion > Last Episode was anti-jason but effie sh...

Last Episode was anti-jason but effie should have stuck it out

Seems like the purpose of the last episode was to expose jason as a d-bag which he obviously is. But the way it was done it seemed very petty. Almost like it was planned.

Effie should have gone to the reshoots instead of quitting. Whatever you say about her, very unfprofessional. She's the one saying she's doing her job and it's not personal but she made it 100 percent personal by not supporting jason in the retakes.

As for the HBO head, wtf is that all about. I'm not in the movie business but when was the last time you say any executive level person in any business go down to the ground level and give his input. What a load of crock. He was doing it all for the camera's so he can show everyone that he has a clue. If this was not on tv, Im sure he wouldn't care about Jason's movies or anyone elses.


Effie didn't quit. She skipped one day of reshoots. She still did all the other post-production stuff. (ADR, color timing, sound mixing) PGL lied to make her look bad.


skipped is the coward's word for quitting.

you can use any word you want but she still quit.

When you take into context the discussion with Jason in the lobby, it was obvious she took it personal and quit.


So when you get a day off from work, but then go back and finish your job, you call that quitting?

She took it personally because Jason did make it personal. At another meeting that wasn't televised he ran her down so hard the heads of HBO had to stick up for her.


that's the point im making. she prided herself about doing her job, saving money etc... that she's not making it personal and it's all about her doing her job.

Then she does the exact opposite in the final episode.

Maybe it's work ethic, but ive been on many a project where I hate every freaking person but I still make myself see the project thru from tip to tail. It's called being a professional. and you do it for you, nobody else.

Effie not showing up the last day to me makes her unprofessional and a petty quitter.


She knew that it would be better to remove herself from a potentially volatile situation than to press it, especially since her producing partner was perfectly capable of doing the job. It actually was more professional of her to not show up just to prove a point.


^ This. Sometimes removing yourself from a situation is the most professional choice. She knew they were on a tight time frame to get those shots that day and rather than make it about her, she chose to give Jason his space so he could focus on the task at hand.


Tell me about this other meeting!


Effie spilling the tea in her recent Buzzfeed interview.

In the season finale, you’re shown leaving the production after filming wraps, but before reshoots.

EB: Ummmm.

Is that not what really happened?

EB: Um, no. So this is what really happened. I had about $280,000 saved from wrapping on time and cutting deals and literally week-by-week saving bits. I saved that money with my team and with hard work, which is why I was such a taskmaster. I knew that we were moving so fast and [Jason] would need connective tissues because there would be scenes that just aren’t going to work. I’m not going to send a broken movie out there. It is not my type of movie, but I was going to make sure that he got to make the kind of movie he wanted to make.

We were on a call with HBO — it was this call and not the [lobby] meeting that is in the show — and it was with the head of production, the head of post, the producers, Marc, and all of that, where Jason took me to task in a very public way, saying, “Effie, you said we could do it all.” Basically saying that I lied to him — again — because he didn’t have any good faith in me at all at the end of production and now he’s gunning for me. And his perspective, I can understand why. But he took me to task so much so that the HBO people had to defend me. They said, “Jason, no. It’s a really good thing that Effie did this, because we wouldn’t be talking about reshoots at all otherwise if she hadn’t saved the money.” And then he came at me again. That’s when I was like, “I’m done.” And I say “done” in the sense that I didn’t feel I needed to produce one day of reshoots. Because what would have happened … if I got on set, you know that moment every reality show is looking for? It would have happened. I outweigh the kid by 70 pounds and I’m from Jersey and I have 43 years of rage in me. If he would have said one thing…it was better to remove myself at that point.


I outweigh the kid by 70 pounds and I’m from Jersey and I have 43 years of rage in me. If he would have said one thing…it was better to remove myself at that point.

Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!     

Being from Jersey myself, I totally understand.

Now, this is what I find absolutely hilarious: People are going to attack Effie for skipping ONE DAY of reshoots in post due to Jason PUBLICLY coming for her multiple times, even though folks at HBO put him in his place by defending her... But the same exact people defend Farrelly for QUITTING after ONE difficult and PRIVATE conference call.

You think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language.


And why was that? To make sure the right ('ethnic') people got each of those technical gigs? WTF has a producer got to do with ADR, sound-mixing, etc?

But then Effie ensured Jason wasn't even allowed to EDIT his own movie- and had to shout instructions to an Effie selected 'editor' like he was editing via Siri. You don't sabotage a shoot better than preventing the director from using the editing software DIRECTLY.


Agree. Any chance she had in this show to be the bigger person she failed because of her volatile personality. Even when she did back down on things her facial expressions & sniping behind people's backs made her look extremely unprofessional.


a bit of the twist on the post : i dont know if you all caught the pre- movie screening of PGL last night. It was 10 min before the movie came on where they did the hollywood premiere.

So Matt/Ben introduce Jason on stage and Jason does a little speech there thanking everyone but not saying their actual names.

I thought it would have been classy for Jason to at least acknowledge Effie, either by calling her out on stage or having her come up on stage with him.

But nope. He was self absorbed in the moment. He missed an opportunity there to show the rest of hollywood that he was willing to let bygones be bygones and show that the most important thing was to get a final product out with his other coworkers.


I agree that he could have shown Effie and Marc more appreciation during his speech. The last statement he made was hilarious, though. He said he hoped people liked the movie and if they didn't that was fine, too. It was as if he knew it sucked. All the more reason to leave a better impression on industry people, but nope. Instead, he remained pretentious throughout.

You think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language.


So Matt/Ben introduce Jason on stage and Jason does a little speech there thanking everyone but not saying their actual names.

I thought it would have been classy for Jason to at least acknowledge Effie, either by calling her out on stage or having her come up on stage with him.

But nope. He was self absorbed in the moment.

Would have been good to see him get some better perspective about Effie and thank her. But I think he's incredibly self-conscious, perhaps bordering on being on the spectrum, so was shocked he spoke at all.

And then he tries to 'joke' that anyone who doesn't like the film can come "punch him in the face." Man... that's awkward times 1000.


If i was effie i'd still try to make the personal issue behind me and go to the last day. I know she was fed up with jason, but just show up for the sake of showing up. it's just the professional thing to do.

Here's my take on the Farley thing :

Farley quit but he was more of a mentor and not assigned to the project like effie.

But I think it was more of a test than anything else. Farley was testing Jason to see if Jason would fight for him to come back to the film. But Jason did nothing of the sort showing Farley that Jason 1.had no respect for Farly 2.didnt' really take the mentoring idea seriously.


What are you DRIBBLING about. Farrelly left because Effie went BERSERK when Farrelly offered to take Jason to a FIRST-CLASS digital processing facility to prove to Jason that digital could be post-processed to look like film. Effie had previously taken Jason to a USELESS company, simply because its owners and employees met with Effie's SJW 'principles' and the incompetents there couldn't even use basic software tools to correctly post-process the image.

Farrelly got the message from Effie loud and clear, and removed himself from the project. He made it clear that Jason could still directly contact him for advice, but Effie made it clear to Jason that if she got wind of ANY 'interference' by Farrelly, there would be hell to pay.



Effie taking a day off finally forced Marc to get off his duff and do something other than equivocate. There's the one that looks like he can't be trusted as far as you can throw him, playing both sides of the fence, back stabbing. I'll take Effie AND Jason any day, productive people with issues but who WORK, over that "player".


Effie had become SO disruptive, having her at the reshoots would have crippled the process and made it impossible to get the needed amount of work done. Indeed the episode clearly implied that without Effie, the cast was able to work vastly more effectively than they had on the ordinary days of Effie controlled shooting.

As for the BOSS MAN suddenly taking control of the production- well that was clearly a consequence of "fear of Effie" causing other HBO employees to back away from the production. It is the intent of SJW like Effie to have the power of the 'black spot'- in other words Effie can 'finger' HBO employees as "incorrect" or in need of "removal". Anyone receiving the 'black spot' from Effie is doomed at HBO, so no-one wants to get on her wrong side. Clearly the boss doesn't have this problem.
