Everyone who's complaining....

Everyone who's complaining about the show getting duller and more middle-of-the-road, welcome to the new, inoffensive BBC!!!!

This is what happens when a group of snotty, grey, chinless, tossers write letters of complaint about someone they don't even watch or listen to, just because a tabloid newspaper told them to do it!

It's not just Ross's show. They've all gone tame, safe, boring, and bland. And it's only going to get worse.

Having said all that, last night's interview with Martin Sheen was like watching Ross 10 years ago, before he became a caricature of himself. It wasn't the funniest interview ever, but by heck it was interesting, covered a lot of topics, and left Ross sincerely humbled at the end. Plus, Sheen wasn't even selling anything! He was just on vacation and popped in for a chat!

But the Beeb and Ross got lucky there. The Sheen interview is likely to be a very small diamond in a big bit of rough!

