MovieChat Forums > Home on the Range (2004) Discussion > What about the Willie Brothers?

What about the Willie Brothers?

You know, the three blonde-mop-haired guys with a -3.0 IQ and side-splitting goofiness.

I thought that they were just classic and all-out roaring funny.

"Spider Psycho, Spider Psycho"-Morph, the little cute pink shape-shifter from TREASURE PLANET


I agree with you. They're were one of the funny parts in the movie! "WHO ARE YOU!?!" lol I'd watch the movie again just to see them :)

Miracles are like meatball,
no one can quite agree where they came from or what they're made of.


Yeah, and the way they were yelling "Uncle Slim" during the mine-train kafuffle made the back of my head ache (which means that something is just so side-splitting funny)

P.S. Their lyrical input to "Yodel-Edle-adl-do", you know the "Ten-Gallon underpants" thing was a riot!!!!

"Spider Psycho, Spider Psycho"-Morph, the little cute pink shape-shifter from TREASURE PLANET


"Maybe she wasn't an art lover..."

XD XD XD They are classic


OMG, LOL! I LOOOOOOOVE that line! Those guys are my absolute favorite characters. I thought it was hilarious when Slim found out that Gill had always sat in the same spot blocking Patch of Heaven from Slim's view. I just loved how the farm was in the exact shape of his head. BTW, does anyone know the separate names of the Willies? I know the one who wears yellow is Gill.

**~You can't get away with that & get away with it!--Beetlejuice~**


Never mind my last question. I just found out when I listened to the commentary. The Willie Brothers are named Gill, Bill, and Phil. And this info comes straight from the directors so you know it's true!

Argh! Damn posting quota...

~*Mrs. Jim Hawkins and Mrs. Captain Jack Sparrow*~


i just recently saw this movie. Did u know the willies names and colors are similiar to Huey Duey and, green and blue around their necks just like em

also, they say "uncle" slim. I wonder if they were Slim's sister's sons or his brothers sons? i dont remember a mention as to which side of the family they were suppose to be on



The Willie Brothers are the best, and possibly only, reason to see this film.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Same here.
Bonejangler baby!



"This is my comfy place."HAHAAA,cracks me up.My dog Shelby has a spot in my closet where she goes when she gets scared of storms or loud noises,and I always say that when I let her in there,'Shelby's going to her comfy place.'

"It's the millennium,motives are incidental."
